Craig and his wonderful list
The good thing about Craigslist: it's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations. The bad thing about Craigslist: it's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations.
Good or bad, we'll let you decide...
Fifty sorority sisters are about to be unleashed on Albany -- quick, find something for them to do!
It's possible that a staring cat isn't this person's biggest problem.
There are people who specialize in garage doors... so, you know, why not dog doors?
Apparently chocolate hedgehogs warm up quickly.
This guy is looking for someone to rescue him from a family vacation in Rensselaer.
The Metalocalypse is upon us -- and she doesn't have a date.
He's looking for an older woman interested in "conversation/debate about the paranormal, extra-terrestrials, and religion."
"Do you want to get blind drunk on a Friday night and wake up next to the coolest strangers that you'll ever meet?"
He wants to wax himself -- and ladies, he's looking for some encouragement.
This "handsome businessman for rent" wants you to help him look lucky.
Hitting on the cop who ticketed you for DWI has to be some sort of violation, moving or not.
Random items available
For free: a bathroom by Craigslist -- sink, tub and toilet
For free: a "well cared for" 1973 Encyclopedia Britainnica complete set
For sale: 2,500 Beanie Babies
photo: Flickr user Tambako the Jaguar
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?