Official warns that state won't be able to pay bills, flu shot shortage, Troy will get money for homelessness after all, airlift wing headed for Antarctica

The state budget director says the state may not have enough cash to cover all its scheduled payments in mid-December. David Paterson and the legislative leaders met yesterday about covering the $3 billion budget gap, though it doesn't sound like they made much progress. Paterson said that the state is facing an economy that he believes will be "the worst we will see in our lifetime." [TU] [Daily Politics] [WTEN]

There was another mugging in downtown Troy. The TPD says its planning more community meetings about crime after a tip from the one this week lead to a drug bust. [Troy Record] [Fox23]

A judge has denied Save the Pine Bush's request for a restraining order that would have prevented the Albany landfill expanding from proceeding. [TU]

Public clinics and doctors' offices say they're having a tough time getting enough doses of seasonal flu vaccine. Saratoga County had to cancel its upcoming flu shot clinics because it couldn't get sufficient supplies. There have been flu shot shortages all around the US because of increased demand and the need to concurrently manufacture the vax for H1N1. [TU] [Post-Star] [NYT]

Jurors in the Adrian Thomas case started deliberations yesterday after closing arguments. They're scheduled to continue deliberating this morning. [Troy Record]

The state has routed the $845k for homelessness prevention that the city of Troy turned down directly to the agencies that would have received the money. [TU]

The City of Albany has started a gang prevention program for sixth graders. The program is part of a $6 million multi-agency safe schools grant. [TU] [Fox23]

UAlbany has issued an alert to students living off-campus about a string of burglaries in the student ghetto. [TU]

A clerical error cost the Schenectady school district $1 million in aid. [Daily Gazette]

Chuck Schumer yesterday: "Our state's crumbling sewage systems are crippling communities across New York." [Saratogian]

Saratoga County sewer district is upping its rate to pay for a new sewer treatment plant -- the coverage area of which will include the Luther Forest tech campus. [Saratogian]

There was a report of a large boom heard near a huge house fire in North Greenbush early this morning. [CBS6]

The 109th Airlift Wing is headed for Antarctica this week. And who knows what they might find -- maybe a spouse (all those people in extreme cold weather gear -- hot). [WTEN] [TU]

Apparently someone decided that Kirsten Gillibrand's teleconferences needed some punching up. [NYDN]

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My three year old son absolutely loving riding the train around Huck Finn's (Hoffman's) Playland this summer.

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