My Exit: Kate Chamberlain

Kate Chamberlain My Exit Photo.jpg

Tonight's My Exit D.J., Kate Chamberlain

Every Monday night our friends at WEXT do this thing called My Exit -- local listeners get to come into the station and program an hour of music. So we thought it'd be fun to find out a little bit about these people and why they picked the songs on their play list.

Here's tonight's person:

Kate Chamberlain from Saratoga Springs

How would you describe your musical style?
I appreciate most genres of music, with a primary focus on rock, classical and jazz. If you put my iPod on shuffle, you'd find music from Tool to Rachmaninoff. Despite not having been born during their heyday, my all-time favorite band is Led Zeppelin.

Five songs from Kate's My Exit show:

Les Claypool & the Holy Mackerel - "The Awakening" -- I have a soft spot for quality bass players, particularly since these band members are often overlooked... unless you're Les Claypool. By far, my favorite bass player, I think this instrumental is incredible given the sound he produced with four strings.

Ben Folds Five - "Battle of Who Could Care Less" -- Whatever & Ever Amen is, quite possibly, one of my favorite albums of all time. The dynamics of Folds, Sledge & Jessee were eminent and effective. There has not been much of this dynamic in modern music for quite some time.

Harry Connick, Jr. - "Blue Light, Red Light" -- I have very fond memories of listening to Harry while I was growing up. My mom was a huge fan, so my dad, brother and I were subject to hearing his albums over and over again. Outwardly, we were in opposition, but secretly, we loved it.

Yes - "Long Distance Runaround/The Fish (Schindleria Praematurus)" -- I believe Yes is one of the most underrated bands of all time. Their musicianship, sound and intricacies are mind-blowing. Chris Squire delivered one of my favorite bass runs in "Runaround" and "The Fish" is a layered treat for the progressive rock genre.

You can hear Kate's My Exit show tonight at 8 at 97.7 or at

Here's how to schedule your own My Exit show on WEXT.


Not only is Kate an awesome person, she has a fantastic sense of humor and is very knowledgeable about the music scene beyond the everyday pop stuff on local radio.

Keep up the great work, Kate

Jacob Bergmeier

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