Street Style

street style composite

Kim, Erin, Ashley

By Kaitlin Resler

Sometimes it seems like the general attitude toward style in upstate New York is that there is none -- or that it's severely lacking. That the masses of would-be style mavens are toning it down or tragically bemoaning the fact that we don't have Nordstrom, Anthropologie (I cannot lie -- an Anthropologie would make me very happy), or other fantastical retail extravaganzas.

No, we don't have it easy. So we're forced to get a bit more creative with our retail options. We have to dig harder, wander into sections we wouldn't normally think twice about, decide that three sizes too big is fashionably architectural and slouchy, bargain with ourselves over the price of shipping.

But it's possible. There is plenty of style to be found in Albany.

Here's some proof.

Here are a few upstate fashionistas I spotted recently in downtown Albany:



Just look at her beret! Erin is completely adorable, her stripes are thrilling, but what especially caught my eye were her lace-up shoes with striped socks.


I love the idea of a patterned sock peeking out, and she keeps it from being costume-y by sticking to dark neutrals.



Citing Dolce & Gabanna and Oscar de la Renta as favorites, Ashley noted that she mostly shops at H&M for affordable trends. I loved her military-inspired coat, great on an insanely windy day, and her jeans (which, silly me, I neglected to get a shot of in total) that were slightly slouchy instead of the usual skin-tight skinnies, making for a great silhouette.



Kim's an AOA regular. You may have seen her stylish apartment. Well it seems like that sense of style translates to her wardrobe. I couldn't resist her Sunday morning outfit. It's easy and comfy, but made effortless with textures (jersey dress, knit scarf and cardigan, leather accessories).


I'm totally entranced by her chunky scarf and teeny bag--the perfect Sunday alternative to massive during-the-week totes.


Great post! I hope Street Style will become a regular AOA feature. Reminds me of my favorite part of New York Magazine: the Look Book.

Like the style pieces! Don't forget they guys!

I also hope to see this become a regular AOA feature - if you look around enough, you can find quite a few stylish albanians!

Yeah, I hear that with the colder weather, there are some guys rocking awesome coats around Albany.

Sebastian? You gonna handle that?

I really like the clothes at H&M but sometime in the last two years they changed their sizing, and cut back on "plus sizes".

I'm a 14 in pants and a medium/large in shirts and such, but the last time I tried something on at H&M XL was barely big enough.

It seems that a few different stores have gone this route, and it's a real shame. Not everyone is or can be model-thin, and "Plus size" stores carry clothes that are much too large for me. So where are people my size supposed to shop?

@Jess: no, B lives the dream, a dream where he is 10 years younger and even more emo. I did try to put his infamous Gloverall in his trash once, but was stopped by a little voice inside. Or whipped cream.

I giggle every time I hear the words Gloverall and compliment in the same sentence.

Then again, I'm Albany's favorite dbag.

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