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Fred believes his bagel grew on a tree. Fred was misinformed.
Like Fred here, we dream of a utopia where all the pixels are free and bagels grow on trees. Until that day comes, AOA must depend on the kindness of Advertisers.
This week your AOA information fix was brought to you by the really nice local businesses listed below. Check them out, support them when you can, and tell them AOA sent you.
Want to advertise with us? Here's how.
+ Restaurants from all over the Capital Region will be serving all sorts of good food on Thursday night (November 19th) at the Beaujolais Nouveau tasting at Michael's Banquet House. All Proceeds go to The AIDS Council of Northeastern New York. There's still time to get your ticket.
+ The holidays are sneaking up faster than you think. Best Cleaners will clean your carpets and tablecloths so there will be no sign of family disapproval. They'll also pick them up and deliver them to you at no extra charge.
+ It's time to order your holiday turkey from the Honest Weight Food Coop. They've got free-range Local Turkeys at $4.29/lb, but you have to get your order in by Tuesday, November 17th.
+ On your way home from the office next week, stop by The Wine Bar and Bistro on Lark for their "Wine After Work" happy hour. Stop by weekdays for the new Wine After Work Happy Hour. $5 for house wines and $3 pints of beer. Check out the wine list and menu on their new website.
+ The Midtown Tap and Tea Room is booking holiday cocktail parties. Check out their new menu for lunch or dinner.
+ The Albany JCC is offering 30% off gym memberships -- but hurry, you've got to sign up today.
+ Tournament of Pizza sponsors Sunmark Federal Credit Union have all kinds of savings tips on their Facebook page. You'll also find details on their on-line defensive driving courses.
photo: Flickr user jesse.millan
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omg, that photo is AWESOME!
... said renée on Nov 14, 2009 at 3:33 PM | link