More H1N1 flu shot clinics

Update: The Albany County clinic is now full.
Both Albany County and Schenectady County have free H1N1 flu shot clinics coming up. Both counties' clinics are only open to county residents.
Albany County
Nov 22 | 10 am - 4:30 pm | TU Center
Nov 24 | 3:30 pm - 7 pm | Berne Knox Westerlo Elementary School
The clinic is open to people in the following priority groups: pregnant women,
people over age 4 who live with or provide care for infants younger than 6 months of age, health care and emergency medical personnel, people aged 4-24 years and people aged 25 to 64 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications.
The county says it doesn't have pediatric vaccine available for kids 6 months to 47 months.
Registration is required.
Schenectady County
Nov 20 and 23 - Schenectady County offices at 107 Nott Terrace in Schenectady.
The clinics will be open to the same priority groups as Albany County, plus children 6 months to pre-k.
You'll need an appointment -- call 386-2824.
Also: If you can't make it to one of the clinics -- or you live in Saratoga County or Rensselaer County -- give your doctor's office a call. New vaccine shipments have apparently been gradually arriving.
Rensselaer County's web site says it does not plan to hold H1N1 flu shot clinics.
photo: James Gathany / CDC
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Does anyone know where to get the thimerosal-free H1N1 vaccine?
... said S. on Nov 18, 2009 at 3:57 PM | link
Unfortunately, most places are not getting them yet because they take longer to manufacture. Apparently they can fill 10 regular shots in the same time it takes to do one thimerosal-free. And they are trying to get them out as soon as possible.
(I kept quizzing the health dept. and my doc's office)
... said Mel on Nov 18, 2009 at 4:11 PM | link
The reason we have H1N1 is DUE TO immunizations.
Humans are so arrogant that they feel they can 'beat' viruses and bacteria.
Truth be told, we are speeding along their evolution, creating more powerful viruses...has NO ONE seen the pattern?
... said James on Nov 19, 2009 at 9:56 AM | link
Uh, OK James. Because we must have had influenza immunizations before the 1918 flu pandemic and that's what caused it. Right. Good thing we have you to inform us about these things.
... said Amy on Nov 19, 2009 at 12:31 PM | link
Thimerosal is nothing to worry about - just take whatever is available.
... said Pat on Nov 19, 2009 at 9:32 PM | link
Yes James, those arrogant doctors with all of their "healing" and "science". Glad an expert like you is on the case.
... said Mrs. M on Nov 19, 2009 at 10:43 PM | link
I didn't get the H1N1 vaccine. I did get H1N1. I don't think it was DUE TO immunizations. If I had it to do over again and there were vaccines available sooner, I would absolutely get vaccinated.
Re: Thimerosal- for adults, probably only dangerous if you are allergic to it, but a reasonable approach would be to do your own research, talk to your Dr. and make the decision that feels right for you.
Or, you know, you could just get all angry and accusatory toward anyone who makes what you consider to be the wrong choice.
... said Kerosena on Nov 19, 2009 at 11:27 PM | link
> Humans are so arrogant that they feel they can 'beat' viruses
> and bacteria.
> Truth be told, we are speeding along their evolution,
> creating more powerful viruses
Oh, man, I'm part of the problem, and I so see it now. Just brushed my teeth and slaughtered 519,248 microbes. Confessing more, I also wiped my butt and deprived untold microbes of better evolutionary chances. Hoping I can make it up tomorrow by having sloppy consensual sex with other species. Fair selection, baby. Don't hate the crobes.
... said Lou Quillio on Nov 19, 2009 at 11:59 PM | link
I think I got the H1N1 and was pretty miserable. Furthermore, with a job dealing with the public, who knows how many people with compromised immune systems, children or people with heart and lung problems I might have spread the virus to while I was just "not feeling well", before the major symptoms started? It's reckless to show little concern for your fellow neighbors.
... said Ellie on Nov 20, 2009 at 8:58 AM | link
As your friendly neighborhood Red Cross wonk, I just want to remind everyone that the reason for getting the immunization (and taking other flu-prevention steps, like washing your hands and coughing into the crook of your elbow) is only partially about keeping yourself from getting sick.
While it's great to not get sick yourself, it's equally important to limit the spread of diseases like H1N1 as much as possible. You might not care whether you come down with the flu this year, but no matter who you are, you'd probably feel bad if you got sick, then passed it on to someone with a compromised immune system who then wound up hospitalized from it.
Plus, I don't want any of you getting me sick. So wash your freaking hands, people.
... said Siobhan on Nov 20, 2009 at 9:03 AM | link
I had (suspected) H1N1 and was EXTREMELY careful about first staying home and then hand-washing etc. thanks to working with someone whose wife was about to give birth (pregnant women and infants both being risk groups). It was too late for me, but imagine how I would have felt if I had given it to them - especially through carelessness. Now I am well and so are the three of them.
... said the_exile on Nov 20, 2009 at 3:17 PM | link
I'd really love to have a shot but I don't qualify because I'm too old (like, 26 instead of 24!).
I've encountered the very first age discrimination in my life. I'm sure there will be more now on...
... said Lu on Nov 24, 2009 at 5:11 PM | link