Stuff to do this weekend

"Everytime a bell rings..."
If all the shopping and wrapping and cooking and decorating are starting to turn you into a grinch, it may be time to have a little fun.
Once again the AOA elves have sifted through the weekend's events and come up with a list of the most promising options.
As always, let us know what we missed.
And have a festive weekend.
"Merry Christmas you old building and loan"
Love it or hate it -- it's a harbinger of Christmas. The Palace is screening It's a Wonderful Life tonight at 7. $5 for adults, $3 for kids.
God bless us everyone
On Sunday night at 6 The Palace is Screening the 1938 version of A Christmas Carol ($5/$3) -- but if you'd prefer to see the story live, you can catch it Home Made Theater tonight at 7:30, Saturday at 1 and 4:30 and Sunday at 1.
This is the closing weekend for My Fair Lady at Capital Rep. You can catch it tonight at 8, tomorrow at 3 & 7:30 and Sunday at 2:30.
There are some phenomenal voices in this musical version of the back-story of the Wicked Witch of the West. Wicked (based on the book by Albany's own Gregory Maguire) is at Proctors through January 3rd. You can see it tonight at 8, tomorrow at 2 and 8 and Sunday at 2 & 7:30.
Art Night
Tonight is Art Night in Schenectady. Stores and galleries on Jay Street are open late for holiday shopping.
Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping
This activist comedy troupe is coming to Troy. They use the revival meeting format to make a point about rampant consumerism. Confess your shopping sins and take part in the "shopalyptic revival" tonight at 8 at The Sanctuary for Independent Media. $10 suggested donation, $5 student/low income.
Get your big hair on at Rev Hall tonight with 80's tribute band, Aquanett.$10
Matt Durfee and Black Mountain Symphony are at Bread and Jam in Cohoes tonight. Free.
You can catch Mother McCrees, Dirty Paris and Prolapse at Valentines tonight at 8.
On Saturday:
We Are Jeneric, The Crown Vandals and Caroline Corrigan will play at the former Amrose and Sable at 306 Hudson Ave. in Albany.
Sean Rowe is playing at Bread and Jam. 8PM. Free.
Brave the cold on Saturday for Winterfest on Broadway in Albany. There's a Jingle Jog run, ice skating, extreme trampoline, a scavenger hunt, food music and fireworks. Noon to 5. Free ( $3 registration for the run).
Christmas Celi
It's Gaelic for dance. The Albany Police Pipe and Drum Band is holding this holiday party on Saturday night at 7 at the Albany Elks Lodge. The $10 admission includes refreshments.
Vienna Boys Choir
If you've ever wanted to check out the Vienna Boys Choir, this sounds like the perfect opportunity. The choir is performing at the acoustically amazing Troy Savings Bank Music Hall on Sunday night at 7. $25-$40
Boogie Woogie Santa
The Saratoga Savoy December Diamond Dance is tomorrow night at 8 in the Saratoga Music Hall. Doc Scanlon is headlining with Peter Davis.
More Dancing
The Fuze Box hosts an Underground Ballroom Dance on Saturday from 8-10. There's a lesson for beginners at 7:40. $2
If you've really got to do a little last minute shopping, try the Shaker Christmas Craft Fair at the 1848 Shaker Meeting House in Albany. You'll find artisan jewelry, photography, pottery and other cool stuff. Free.
Make Gourmet Gifts
Sartatoga Restaurant Equipment Supply is offering a class on Gourmet Gifts on Saturday from 10 to noon. Chef Patrick Mannato will teach you how to make Homemade Bailey's Irish Cream, Apricot Jam, Orange Marmalade, Chocolate Raspberry Pate, Chocolate Expresso tartlets, White Chocolate Pistachio Biscotti, Smokey Candied Walnuts, Chocolate Peppermint Bark. $65
Say Something!
We'd really like you to take part in the conversation here at All Over Albany. But we do have a few rules here. Don't worry, they're easy. The first: be kind. The second: treat everyone else with the same respect you'd like to see in return. Cool? Great, post away. Comments are moderated so it might take a little while for your comment to show up. Thanks for being patient.
Saturday: Lounge @ Quintessence with guest dj Jay Balance. 10pm. No cover.
... said ethan on Dec 18, 2009 at 11:13 AM | link
Ken Goewey is hosting a Holiday Swing Dance tonight (Friday) 8-11 at the Elks Lodge on S. Allen in Albany, featuring the Georgie Wonders Orchestra. $10 admission. Lesson included 7-8 pm. This is an awesome venue for swing dancing and is fantastic even if you just like to listen to Big Band-style music.
... said Eileen on Dec 18, 2009 at 11:22 AM | link
Ramblin Jug Stompers at 8pm tonight at Caffe Lena in Saratoga. Gettin' festive with some tunes from the Jim Henson holiday classic, "Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas"
... said greg on Dec 18, 2009 at 12:54 PM | link
Read the reviews at:
Confetti Stage brings its 5th Anniversary Season to a close with Little Women, directed by Steve Suriano.
Little Women features: Lucy Breyer, Mandy Clemente, Bill Douglas, Linda Fasano, Rebecca Frazier, Stephen Henel, Charles Owens, Michael Rivest, Sara Rivest, Lynn Scott, and Amanda Symons.
All performances will be take place at The Albany Masonic Hall 4th Floor Theater, 69 Corning Place, Downtown Albany, New York.
Friday, December 18, 2009 8:00pm
Saturday, December 19, 2009 8:00pm
Sunday, December 20, 2009 2:00pm
General Admission Tickets are $15.
FlexTix (5 tickets) - $50.
Group Discounts Available for groups of 10 or more. Tickets are available at or may be reserved by calling the Confetti Stage Box Office at 518-242-8015.
... said Kari on Dec 18, 2009 at 1:01 PM | link
The Ill Funk Ensemble, Saturday night at The Dublin Undergound (Savannah's). These guys are great!
... said Jessica R on Dec 18, 2009 at 2:37 PM | link
Christmas Carol at the Palace is free.
... said Lucy on Dec 18, 2009 at 3:22 PM | link
i went to the palace tonight to see it's a wonderful life - obviously, it's my #1 favorite christmas movie - and had the most wonderful time. the old film reel was just the perfect amount of scratchy and and jumpy in places. i have the movie memorized, but seeing it on the big screen in a grand old place like that a matter of days before christmas was pure magic. now ill go crawl into bed while visions of jimmy stewart dance in my head.
... said Kim D. on Dec 18, 2009 at 10:36 PM | link
Saturday from 7:00 pm to 12:00 am
The Landing Zone
155 Wade Road
NBIA Fund Raiser show in the name of Bruce Belcher who passed away from the disease
Sun God (featuring Tony Erba of 9 Shocks Terror, Face Value, etc.)
Spread Em' 9 (pizza loving punks)
Heal the Wounds (local metal-core)
Torchbearer (from joisey, hard and heavy)
Damnation Alley (hot licks and hard mosh)
Legit! (fast and pissed)
Pointblank (local punks, hide your beers because they'll drink em)
... said Mirdreams on Dec 19, 2009 at 12:55 AM | link