Jessica Pasko Appreciation Day

jessica pasko

The one and only.

Today is Jessica Pasko Appreciation Day on AOA.

Jessica is a big part of AOA's success. She's always finding interesting stuff to post about, whether it's a person with an odd talent or a little-known ethnic market or an unusual museum.

She's also always willing to help out, picking up a pizza for the TOP or sending along an event for Stuff To Do This Weekend.

And did we mention she's a fun, cool person?

Jess, you're the best. Thank you.


Yay, you're famous!

Jessica Pasko?!?!?
She owes me money!
Thanks for tracking her down for me.

I want to go on record stating that Jessica Pasko is, in fact, the cat's pajamas and the bee's knees.

Three cheers for J-Day! Jess, you totally deserve your own day! I always love reading about quirky little things I've never heard of - that go on right here in the Cap Dist!

AOA should let some local bars know, so Ms. Pasko can get her vino on.

Oh I thought that was next monday...

Aww, cute idea! I do love her articles!
I appreciate Jessica Pasko!

Oh no, I forgot to get a gift! This happens every year on Jessica Pasko Appreciation Day!

Jessica should be appreciated every day, but it is nice to take time once a year to make it official!

Jessica is one of the people I'm very glad to have met in the past couple of years. Three cheers!

Big ups to Jess!

Yea Jess!

Even before meeting her mastiff, I could tell Jess was special. I will spend today sending thoughts of White Russians in her general direction.

There is no finer use for 12-21.

Aw, well, gee. I'd like to thank the academy, and uh, my clearly nonexistent hair dresser and .....

If only you could see me now -- did you know it's actually possible to turn 8 shades of red?

Happy Jessica Pasko Appreciation Day! Everybody put your ceremonial Jessica Pasko sunglasses on your head, wrap yourself with your fur-lined Jessica Pasko winter coat, and write something special today!

Agreed! Yay for Jess.

Jess is a great addition to this blog. She does a excellent job on all her pieces.

By the way, I was checking out the web traffic for various local blogs on and All Over Albany is kicking butt!!!!! Way to go! You've got more readers than some newspapers around here. I hope you keep growing and that more advertisers realize what a great audience you have.

go jess! we even got a surprise card from you on your special day. you are in the air! i totally appreciate your fun outlook on life, and how you notice the details. thank you!

Jess Pasko is one of my favorite people in the world. I'm glad she has her own special day.

Jess, feel free to stop in and I'll cut your hair to show my appreciation...!

I second Naomi.

*golf claps & confidently nods*

She also sends out awesome Christmas cards.
Yay Jess!

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What's All Over Albany?

All Over Albany is for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. In other words, it's for you. It's kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who can help you find out what's up. Oh, and our friends call us AOA.


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