Craig and his wonderful list

misfit toys dollThe good thing about Craigslist: it's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations. The bad thing about Craigslist: it's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations.

Good or bad, we'll let you decide...

It's you -- and your dog -- playing poker. With other dogs.

"I am looking for a midget (as a friend only) to attend my best friend's wedding with me..."

Well, that's probably not the stocking stuffer she was hoping for.

Tip: calling someone a "short and thick ethnic looking woman" is maybe not the best line.

"I am not shy and wanted to stop in but could not think of a reason to go into a store that sells purses haha." You could have been looking for a murse.

"Just so that you know I don't do hookers or heroine, (often)."

A date with her would have analgesic effects.

"I think the fat lady is singing. only, i am not fat and i can't sing for sh*t." At any rate, it sounds like things might be over.

She's from the Island of Misfit Toys.

Gorgeous smiles aren't quite as good as cash at Target.

If you're the one who took her belt at the Fuze Box -- she'd like it back.

Random items available

For sale: a bottle of 1993 Dom Perignon champagne ($425)

For sale: a bottle of 1988 Dom Perignon champagne ($100)

For sale: a red gumball machine ($200)

For sale: 13 Hess Trucks, never played with (best offer)

For sale: an albino hedgehog named Dumbledore ($200)


>Me and my wife bought an albino hedgehog from the pet shop about a year ago. He was a couple months old when we got him, and now, a few months later, we cannot give him the attention he deserves. We have a newborn baby who drains us everyday and we just cannot find the time to play with Dumbledore anymore.

I really hate it when people use a baby as a reason to abandon a pet. Merry Christmas, folks.

@N: *and* they ask for a goddamn' "small" rehoming fee of $200. Ugh, good luck parenting. By the way, it looks like this. Engineered but aww.

@S: I noticed the "rehoming" fee, too. Talk about adding insult to injury!

Hedgehogs are very cute, but they do need special care. And they deserve better. I hope this one finds a better home.

I read the midget ad - does the midget also have to provide a time travel machine? The wedding date was LAST January...

I hope Ariel gets her belt back, she's super awesome! And she's serious about the sandwiches, I have yet to attend but I've heard Sandwich Night is delicious.

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All Over Albany is for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. In other words, it's for you. It's kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who can help you find out what's up. Oh, and our friends call us AOA.


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