Where to buy a couch?

Slacker's in the market for a new couch:
The hand-me-down sleeper sofa we've got now is on her last legs, and we're starting to look around for a new one. But where to start? There are so many furniture stores in the area, I wouldn't even begin to know where to look first.
We're looking for a full-sized couch, and we're on a tight budget (isn't everyone?). We'd be willing to shop places that specialize in leftovers and (very lightly) damaged couches in order to find a good deal, but we're open to just about any suggestions.
Anyone have ideas for Slacker? Please share.
We've had good experiences at Old Brick.
photo: Flickr user emdot
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Huck Finns! We have bought all our furniture from them. Great prices and we have never had a damaged piece.
... said Melissa on Jan 8, 2010 at 12:11 PM | link
If you want a real bargain check out Craigslist. It is hit or miss and there is always the delivery problem, but you might get lucky. I always look there first before going to a furniture store.
I have had good luck (quality and service) at Raymour and Flanigan. Mixed luck at Huck Finn but sometimes there are bargains.
... said KM on Jan 8, 2010 at 12:13 PM | link
I've had good experiences with Taft. Huge selection at good prices, and they're willing to negotiate. I even had to return a sofa when it was too large to fit in my apartment's stairwell and elevator and had no problems.
... said Alice Person on Jan 8, 2010 at 12:14 PM | link
Typically they have styles different from the standard furniture stores in the area and at very affordable prices.
... said MattW on Jan 8, 2010 at 12:34 PM | link
I've always had a good experience with the people at Old Brick. Their staff doesn't work on commission so it's less of a pressured environment.
I'll never shop at Huck Finn again--the quality of most of their stuff is pretty poor.
... said Alex on Jan 8, 2010 at 12:56 PM | link
Ive always had good experiences with Taft and Old Brick. OB seems to have better prices, Taft will give you a great deal on interest free financing though which may work better month to month.
I had a friend who used to manage apartments and he would always find good furniture at those rent to own places... apparently every once in a while they sell slightly used furniture for really good prices. Never looked in to it myself though.
... said Jeff on Jan 8, 2010 at 12:58 PM | link
My wife and I just bought two couches at Mooradian's. They have sales fairly often and a lot of their furniture is made in the U.S. or Canada. Many of Taft's and Huck Finn's cheaper couches are from China and if you ever see cheap leather couches, chances are the leather is from China and who knows what was used to process it. If you're willing to spend the money, Ethan Allen has nice furniture, much of which is made in Syracuse. Support your local(ish) craftsmen!
... said BrianM on Jan 8, 2010 at 12:59 PM | link
You can try here:
... said Matt on Jan 8, 2010 at 1:10 PM | link
I'm assuming you've already gone the route of asking friends and family if they have a spare one in a basement. I've had good luck with the Old Brick and Taft. Another option, we bought our whole living room set from a direct importer (it's an Italian Leather set) we found on Ebay. It had to be trucked from Florida to North Carolina to our apartment but it was still cheaper than buying the same set in a local store.
... said Mirdreams on Jan 8, 2010 at 1:19 PM | link
We bought our last sofa at Old Brick.
Salespeople are not pushy and very helpful. They also have a back room filled with discontinued and discounted items.
... said abby on Jan 8, 2010 at 1:23 PM | link
Feathers in Troy (up Hoosick) was a peach with my last couch purchase. They worked within my tiny budget, and I am one happy camper.
On the used end, Pete's Place in Troy (on Rt 4/River St, across from the parking lot next to Brown's) has some used couches that are in various conditions. There's one retro couch that's around $80 that is super comfy, long, and looks brand new. If I didn't already have the couch from Feather's I'd be all over this one. Seriously, really comfy.
... said Albany Jane on Jan 8, 2010 at 1:33 PM | link
I call the couch Albany Jane mentioned, if Slacker doesn't want it!
... said Jessica R on Jan 8, 2010 at 2:03 PM | link
A friend of mine just got an awesome sofa at Big Lots. Their inventory varies, but there are pretty good finds there. They also have financing options.
... said Summer on Jan 8, 2010 at 4:05 PM | link
I don't recommend Craigslist.
There is a growing bedbug problem in the area so used furniture from a stranger may turn out more expensive than new stuff
... said Lu on Jan 8, 2010 at 4:20 PM | link
Thanks for the suggestions folks. I'm still open to more ideas, but I think we'll probably start our hunt at Old Brick, from the reviews here.
... said Slacker on Jan 8, 2010 at 5:24 PM | link
I love old brick! Pretty much our whole house is furnished by them... and I saw our dining set at raymore and flanigan for much, much more
... said lk on Jan 8, 2010 at 5:55 PM | link
I got my couch a few years ago at Taft for about 400 bucks. It's held up really well and I absolutely love it. They have a HUGE selection there and at a wide range of prices, so you should go just to look and see - you might find a deal.
Huck Finn's does have cheaper prices, but I agree that the quality is not so good. Is it just me, or does it also smell funny in there?
... said shannon on Jan 8, 2010 at 6:36 PM | link
In case you are north of the Mohawk, give Furniture Theater in Malta a try. On Route 9 next to the Malta Drive-in. I still have a great couch I bought from them in 1990. Had an excellent nap on it yesterday. More napping is planned for this weekend, too.
... said thisjustin on Jan 9, 2010 at 2:15 AM | link
Thank you Albany Jane for the recommendation to our family store -Feathers Furniture. We specialize in custom furniture, so you can choose your style and fabrics. A nice comfy custom sofa starts at $499. We also have a clearence center.
... said Michele on Jan 9, 2010 at 6:02 PM | link
I am a HUGE craigslist advocate!!! This past year I found myself in need of an entire apt's worth of furniture...after only 2 weeks, I scored a cherry queen sized sleigh bed, brand new w/ mattress still in plastic, for $125.00. Seriously, an $800.00 bed. I also got a lovely pale yellow couch, chair and a half and ottoman set for only 250.00, like new. People that need to get rid of stuff NOW will sell for dirt cheap. It's touch and go, but worth a look! Good luck!
... said kimberlychica on Jan 10, 2010 at 6:19 PM | link
Update: After a little bit of shopping around, Old Brick had by far the best selection in our price range. We found a fantasticly comfy couch way in the back of the upstairs of the Troy store, and it was delivered today! Craigslist fans, fear not, the old couch was listed last night, and there's a guy coming to get it tomorrow (until then it's sitting unceremoniously in our dining room). Thanks AOAers!
... said Slacker on Jan 15, 2010 at 5:37 PM | link