Company at the top
The Chronicle of Education released its survey of public college presidents' compensation. Ohio State's Gordon Gee topped the list at "nearly $1.6 million" in 2008-09. Last November the Chronicle pegged RPI's Shirley Ann Jackson as the country's highest-paid private college president at $1,598,247/year in 2007-08.
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If you think that's a lot, our football coach, Jim Tressel makes about twice that much.
and it's THE Ohio State.
I've actually met the guy and he is very personable and down to earth. Plus he appears to be doing a great job. Gotta love the bow-ties!
MattW '08
... said MattW on Jan 19, 2010 at 3:11 PM | link
@MattW: Hey, those sweater vests don't buy themselves.
... said Greg on Jan 19, 2010 at 4:11 PM | link