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Happy Valentine's Day. Yawwwwwn.
This week AOA comes to you courtesy of lots of things we love: cupcakes, birthday invitations, good hair days, valentine presents, uber-fast internet connections, snowman graphs and cupcakes. Yes, we did mention cupcakes twice. We really love cupcakes.
Know what else we love? Our advertisers! They keep the site going and they've got lots of great stuff to offer. If you've got something you want to advertise with AOA, drop us an email at or check here for details on how it works.
If you don't have something you want to advertise, you can still help out by patronizing AOA advertisers. And be sure to let them know AOA sent you. Here's a list of the places who made your AOA fix possible this week:
+The Capital District YMCA is waiving their joiners fee on Valentine's Day. If you've been thinking of joining, now is the time.
+ Om nom nom! Filet topped with lobster tail, sesame encrusted sea bass, and duck confit of leg with duck breast over a pistachio risotto cake! Those are some of the specials his weekend at The Wine Bar and Bistro on Lark. " They've also sparkling rose specials that will make for a happy Valentine's Day!
+Spring Awakening opens Tuesday and runs through Sunday the 21st at Proctor's. Tickets are available here.
+ The Bilinski's chicken meatloaf and chicken chili that the AOA crowd taste tested last summer is on supermarket shelves. Save a dollar on healthy, locally made Bilinski products with their exclusive AOA coupon .
+The Albany Jewish Community Center has a newly renovated gym and they're happy to give you a tour. They're hosting "Workout for Haiti" on March 7th.
+ The Honest Weight Food Co-op. Has chocolate dipped strawberries available through Valentines Day!
+Greenmark Real Estate specializes in first homes in the Capital Region.
+Sunmark Federal Credit Union has online defensive driving courses to help you lower your auto insurance rates.
+ The Midtown Tap and Tea Room on New Scotland Ave in Albany is hosting the "Queen" of Hearts Dinner and Dance on Valentine's Day. It's a benefit for theCapital District Gay and Lesbian Community Council. Make a reservation for dinner seatings (seating from 4 to 7PM) Valentine's Day Specials and a Dance at 7.
+ The Albany All Stars have a bout coming up next Saturday, February 20th at the Washington Avenue Armory.
Photo: Flickr user JFortune
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?