Rove/Dean at UAlbany

karl rove and howard deanThe ASP reports that Karl Rove and Howard Dean will engage in a political mixed martial arts bout a debate at UAlbany as part of the school's World Within Reach Speaker Series. The event is scheduled for April 8.

Details aren't posted, yet. But if this event is like the Colin Powell speech (also part of this series), it could be a tough ticket to get for people not connected to UAlbany. We'll update as we find out more.

It looks like Rove and Dean have participated in a handful of these debates -- last fall at DePauw University and Penn State; and just a few days ago in Portland and at Colorado-Boulder. Politics Daily reports the Rove/Dean fee for Colorado was $56k.

(Thanks, Patrick!)

Rove photo via Wikipedia | Dean photo by Flickr user Mr Wright


Bad use of university funds. No one should pay that windbag to speak, let alone debate someone who actually has something to say. He/it should only be speaking before a grand jury or congressional committee ready to prosecute him. Ready to protest?

@ CS

Who are you referring to?

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