Craig and his wonderful list
The good thing about Craigslist: it's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations. The bad thing about Craigslist: it's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations.
Good or bad, we'll let you decide...
This artist would like pity mirrors.
She's moving here from Seattle and is looking for "a new gay boyfriend."
He's looking for "thin girls with good morals."
Jim has a rather distinctive -- and forward -- tattoo.
She was a "very efficient, pleasant, funny and personable nurse." Also: hot.
She has the most beautiful name -- "like the most beautiful car."
Jesse is apparently quite the wordsmith.
His mind "went right to the gutter" at UG.
The pharmacist's voice was "so seductive and fresh and beautiful." And to think, all she probably said was, "Make sure you take this with food."
Are you sure you really want to "break the ice" at a skating rink?
It seems that a goddess rides the 100 Broadway bus.
Isn't WWE already a fantasy league?
Random items available
For free: pre-won children's bowling trophies
For sale: the Snowblower of Doom ($100)
For sale: 4 KISS dolls from the 1970s ($500)
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?