Icy, Snowy Apocalypse Watch

snowy apocalypse meter 2010-02-22

Today is gorgeous -- sunny and warm (for February). The rest of this week? Uh, different story.

The paraphrased forecast from the National Weather Service:

Today: Sunny with highs near 40!
Tonight: Not really cold, but snow is expected to start around midnight.
Tuesday: Precipitation in many of its forms: snow, rain, something in between. Highs in the upper 30s. Might have about two inches of accumulation from the night before.
Wednesday: Some snow probable. But also temps in the upper 30s.
Thursday: Chance of snow/rain. Temps in mid-30s.
Friday: Snow? Still not too cold.

OK, so this week could just end up being damp and chilly. Or, if temps drop... we could be in for some real snow because there's almost certainly going to precipitation. In fact, the models are pointing to significant snowfall for the higher elevations (hello, ski slopes).

We're going to hope that this week stays warm and the precipitation stays unfrozen -- but it could be slushy out there. And if we do get snow, it'll probably be heavy. So we're going to peg this as "mildly annoying" on the icy, snowy apocalypse meter.

Necessary note: You should take this all with an enormous bag of rock salt. AOA has absolutely no weather forecasting expertise. At all. We do, however, think it's funny how every winter storm is treated like the end of the world. Also: Ellsass, we're sorry.


Take note: local meteorologists are starting to say this is the BIG ONE! http://www.wten.com/global/story.asp?s=12026121&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed:+wten-localnews+(WTEN+-+Local+News)&utm_content=Twitter

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