Price Chopper gas discount for CDTA fares

$50 at PC = $2 off a CDTA pass
Price Chopper has extended its Fuel AdvantEdge gas discount program to CDTA fares.
Here's how it works: This discount is based on 10 cents/gallon up to 20 gallon discount for gas. So for every $50 you spend at Price Chopper (while swiping your AdvantEdge card, of course), they'll knock $2 off the price of an eligible bus pass (31 day rolling, 10 day trip, Star tickets). Spend $100, save $4 on a bus pass. Spend $150, save $6. And so on. (As with the discount for gas, the credits can be used once and expire after 90 days.)
Here's a brochure that lists all the details.
The Chopper and CDTA are touting this program as maybe the first of its kind in the nation. They're running it for a 90-day trial period (now to May), "with the option to continue contingent upon its success."
photo: Price Chopper
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This is excellent -- way to go PC. I'm thrilled to see the private sector in this area doing something innovative to support mass transit and sustainability. Government isn't exactly moving the chains in that realm...
... said Bob on Mar 2, 2010 at 2:32 PM | link
This discount is valid for 10 trip passes, rather than the (non-existent) 10 day passes this post mentions -- which are a better option than monthly passes for those who don't ride CDTA on a very regular basis.
Editors: Thanks for catching that.
... said Catherine on Mar 2, 2010 at 2:47 PM | link
Kudos to Price Chopper for reaching out to those of us who use public transit as our primary mode of transportation. Most communters are driving alone, so any program that encourages folsk to ride share, take public transit, or use their muscles is worth the investment.
... said daleyplanit on Mar 2, 2010 at 5:10 PM | link
I took advantage of this this weekend - saved $6 on 2 packs of STAR tickets (usually $60). Woo Hoo!
... said xina on Mar 7, 2010 at 8:29 PM | link
...and I got more than a 50% discount on a 31-day rolling pass!
... said TQL (aka Council Member Golby) on Mar 8, 2010 at 8:43 AM | link