Really, who needs another toaster?
This is cool: when Martha Kronholm and Frank Moscowitz got married last fall they registered not for gifts, but for donations -- to the health law clinic at Albany Law School. Said Martha Kronholm in an article published by the school:
"We never wanted to prompt any of our guests for a gift of any kind, just coming to the wedding and sharing in the day was more than enough ... But for people who wanted to give us a gift, my husband and I were confident that our guests would happily redirect their generosity to a great cause."
According to the clinic's web site, "The Health Law Clinic is designed to teach student interns to identify and address the legal issues which poor individuals living with chronic health conditions often face."
You might know Martha and Frank by another name: Princess Mabel. The two musicians have been a part of the local music scene for a long time. They moved to Brooklyn in 2008 after Martha graduated from Albany Law and got a job at a firm in Manhattan.
According to the ALS article, the wedding gift donations were matched by the firm -- and the money has gone toward a fund to endow an annual award for a health law clinic student.
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Yahh Martha & Frank!! - they rock, hard.
... said Mike H on Mar 12, 2010 at 4:37 PM | link