No alumni at Fountain Day

Citing a need to "ensure the safety of our students," UAlbany is restricting Fountain Day attendance to current UA students. As the ASP reports, that's not going over well with some alumni. Fountain Day is April 25 this year.


I hate to be the one to side with "The Man," but this event is supposed to be first and foremost for the students - the ones actually attending SUNY right now. The Purple Growl is one thing, since it involves sports and school spirit, but Fountain Day is a day of relaxation and release; in some ways a reward for continued work and dedication.

I understand being bummed out that you can't go as an alumni, but to act put off and outraged is a bit much. With all the concerns of safety and security over the past few years, would they rather they allow the alumni to participate and have security potentially arranged in such a way as to obstruct the good times the students are having?

Besides, guys, you had your time. Time to be an adult instead of having your primary concern be your inability to live vicariously through younger people.

As an Alumni, it would never even occur to me to attend Fountain Day, now that I'm not a student. Who would want to go party with drunken, wet 19-year olds?.....................Oh.

Well ok, maybe I should rethink this.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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