Tickets for Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

big bad voodoo daddy

Hey, daddy-o.

Update: Congrats to Sara and Bill -- they're the winners!

The Troy Savings Bank Music Hall has given AOA two pairs of tickets for tomorrow night's Big Bad Voodoo Daddy show. From the music hall's site:

Cab Calloway was a legendary fireball of talent, whose infectious "hi-de-hi's" and "ho-de-ho's" became the spirited cry of people wanting to be happy. The Big Bad Voodoo Daddy's A Tribute to Cab Calloway captures the essence of this American icon in a rowdy celebration of musicianship, mischief, genius, street smarts, and fun.

So here's the question to enter the drawing:

When you want to be "bad" in the Capital Region, where do you go or what do you do?

Of course, that's "bad" -- not, well... bad. Post in your answer in the comments. We'll pick two winners at random.

The show should be a fun time. BBVD calls itself "America's favorite little big band" -- and they were a part of the contemporary swing revival in the late 90s -- back back when Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau were skinny.

Important: All comments must be submitted by 10 pm today (March 18, 2010) to be entered in the drawing. One entry per person, please. You must enter a valid email address with your comment. The winners will be notified via email by 9 am on Friday (March 19, 2010) and must respond by noon that same day.


D'Raymond's for the Carbonara, it's so good it's bad.

I love to go out, but my favorite place to unwind is my back porch/back yard. On one particular occasion things got crazy. It was my friend's 30th birthday, and a lot of people were there that I didn't know. Therefore, I guess they didn't feel the need to be respectful of my property or my neighbors. Beer bottles were being thrown against the building next door, my birdbath was emptied and someone built a fire in it with empty beer boxes, etc. etc. The cops came. It was terrible. I was so neighbors must've thought I was the biggest a-hole.

Put me in a club with some P-Diddy bumpin', and I look like (to quote the illustrious Digital Underground) "Mc Hammer on crack". Yes, I guess I do the humpty dance.

If you put on some ravey techno-ish schtuff, I can bounce up and down and pump my fist, I guess.

But put on some of that late '90's swing and I can GO, daddyo. There's set steps! Musically interesting 3 count dancing to 4/4 music! Feats of strength and agility! This is my thing! I'd do AOA and redheads everywhere proud!

Also "you and me and the bottle makes 3 tonight" is an excellent lyric.

does my bedroom count?

@Slacker: rumors say it doesn't :)

The Emack Attack @ Emack & Bollios on Delaware. Myself and four friends were able to finish it in under 8 minutes. Not a local record, but still "bad" in our minds.

I have a date night with my wife at Cafe Capriccio

All I have to do is put on my Power Glove -- it's so bad.

Capital Region-related: when I want to be bad, I let my wife talk me into going to Olive Garden instead of the region's myriad good independent restaurants.

When I want to be just a little bad, I buy a legislator a cup of coffee. When I want to be really bad, I buy a legislator.

The place to go is the Prime Live at Saratoga National Golf Course!! Enjoy the sunny tropical atmosphere-wild tunes by The Audiostars and dance the night away

roller derby

I drive down Central Avenue in downtown and cuss out all the jaywalkers (with my widows rolled up, of course). I mean REALLY! It's shocking that more people don't get hit by cars. Or I go hog wild on the pineapple upside down cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory after I've eaten an order of their avocado egg rolls and licked the bowl of the dipping sauce (not really, but I want to!).

I hit the library... with all my shoes and my glasses... so that I have them.

I'd have to go with Cheesecake Machismo on Hamilton St. Their selection of amazing cheesecakes makes it so easy to be "bad". (My personal faves are the black irish stout, brown sugar cinnamon, & ugly duckling.)

The terms of my probation prohibit me from answering this question.

When I want to be "bad", I hit up Rev Hall in Troy!

The Ale House in Troy. Do you know how many calories those wings have?

We head to New World Bistro Bar for some “forbidden pleasures. “

When I'm in the mood for something outrageous, I grab some friends and head over to the Oh Bar on Lark St!

Galactic Bowling at Spare Time Every Friday and Saturday Night! Black Lights and Loud Music - the place to be "bad" in the dark.

That's easy. Bing Bang Boom Burlesque show! Every last monday at Savannah's!

I go to Iffy's and pretend like I'm not scared that a drunken vagrant might stab me.

Badass Burrito in Troy of course.
Helping of Badass Wings and Badass Fries.

I go out and get a Grand Pappy Peanut Butter Zinger Sunday from Kurver Kreme and eat myself sick on ice cream... MMMM... Brain freeze...

As a very bad vegetarian, I'd go have a steak at Prime 677.

Stop by Oakwood Cemetery, read the day's political headlines to Uncle Sam's tombstone, listen for the sound of him spinning in his grave...

I'd stop at that Bettie's Double Decker Cupcake Bus (in the Hewitt's parking lot) on my way back from the gym...

I head to Cheesecake Machismo for a little slice of heaven!

When I want to be "bad" I relive my SUNY Albany days and go to Sutter's for a Sutter cheddar burger, cheddar fries and a beer or two - not exactly on my Weight Watcher's diet!

Does the car at a drive-in count?

cheesecake machismo. bad in the good kind of way.

A bit off the well-beaten path, but Karavalli in Latham serves up the best Indian food I've ever had. When I feel like being bad I head over for their weekend lunch buffet. Mmmmm gulab jamun.

A glut of tasty cheese, fresh Italian bread and a cannoli from Cardona's market on Delaware = food baby.

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The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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