A utopia for downtown Albany?

cigar closeupIn case your perfect world includes cigar smoke: The Utopia Society of Albany. From its web site:

The Utopia Society is the only members only cigar & social club in downtown Albany. This unique private life-style club offers exclusive amenities with a focus on fine cigars, wine, scotch, socializing, professional networking, wellness and the sharing of experiences with members who appreciate the finer things in life.
The Utopia Society's old world atmosphere brings a style to social gatherings no longer found in Albany. Our services anticipate your every need in a community of people you will easily connect with. Experience this cutting edge club that is like no other.

Skimming through the site, the concept for the not-yet-open club appears to be something like a high-end man cave. Emphasis on the "man" part:

The Utopia Society is open to adult males 30 years of age or older. The club will be 100% member supported and operated. Initiation fees will cover all startup and fixed costs and dues will cover the monthly recurring costs.

The site doesn't list a location, but there's a contact form for more info. (Also: a Craigslist item looking for members.)

By the way: The contact person in the WHOIS listing for club's site: Thomas More. Nice. We're not sure this is exactly what Sir Thomas had in mind.

Update: "Tom More" says the club is hoping to lease space in the Steuben Building (map).

(Thanks, StickFigureMan!)

photo: Flickr user Mykl Roventine (not from club)


My Mom will cover my fees just to get me and my thrice-weekly D&D game out of her basement!

On a related note: we need a new cleric in the party.

This sounds like it would be fun to join. Too bad I'm a lady - I guess it's more fun for them to hang out in a room with guys smoking cigars? So glad that all the other cigar events in this area I'm able to join.

My concept of utopia includes socializing with people who never use the phrase "... appreciate the finer things in life."

But that's moot, since I'm not male and wouldn't be admitted anyway. Even though I do like a scotch and a good cigar.

@StickFigureMan: I'm really sorry to hear that. I was going to invite you to join my new Finer Things Club (berets, finger sandwiches, etc. ...)

Are male dogs eligible to join the Utopia Society? Bandit's old enough in dog years. His hobbies include falconry, networking, chasing squirrels and taxidermy. Let me know and I'll e-mail his resume.

at the risk of being a pariah: I'm all about it. I might suggest a ladies night, however. I believe ladies are among the finer things in life.

Does your last name need to be Swell - so that the people who join will truly be the "Swells"

This is truly funny!

Erik, I'm with you. I have no problem with the concept. As a woman, I'm a little bummed I can't join, but certainly not miffed. I'm going to let my fiance know, as he likes cigars and scotch. However, as far as social networking goes, that's more my scene than his. :)

After joining up on the website, there is a planned site at the steuben building. It is still a concept at this point, however.

A point of clarification, a little more then a concept at this point, we should be under contract by the end of the month at the Steuben Building, just working out the Ts & Cs of the lease, but I love the dialog! Thanks for drumming up the conversation.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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