Bandit Tracker

This Bandit Tracker photo is from a Buffalo robbery in January.
For whatever reason, we've become slightly obsessed with bank robberies over the last year. (Maybe because it seems like there's one every other week.)
Thankfully, the FBI has put together a site to help feed our interest: Bandit Tracker Northeast. The site tracks open bank robbery cases across the area covered by the FBI's Albany division -- including upstate New York and parts of Vermont and New Jersey. There are robbery profiles, security camera grabs, a map and a feed. You can even subscribe via email (You have a robbery!).
As it happens, the FBI also this week released nationwide stats for 2009 bank robberies. A few interesting bits after the jump.
+ There were 6,065 reported bank robberies, burglaries and larcenies reported last year. That's down about 12 percent from the year before.
+ Almost $46 million in loot was taken (yes, the FBI really uses the term "loot").
+ Of the people known to be involved in the banks jobs, 94 percent were male.
+ Friday was the most popular day to rob a bank. The hours of 9a-11a were the most popular time period.
+ The most popular MOs were a note and an oral demand.
+ There 113 customers, bank employees, guards or law enforcement officers injured during robberies.
+ The were 21 deaths during robberies -- all perps.
+ There 94 hostages taken.
+ There were 241 bank robberies (and 2 burglaries) in New York State. The region with the most robberies was the South.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?