Voting opens for "community sponsored" Sculpture in the Streets
This year's Sculpture in the Streets exhibit in downtown Albany will feature works by J. Seward Johnson (a little background). And, for the first time, the exhibit will include a "community sponsored sculpture." From the web site:
One of the sculptures will be sponsored by you- the residents, employees and friends of the Capital Region! $3,000 will support one life-sized sculpture for the duration of the show. We ask everyone in our community to donate $1.00 and show how, especially in today's economy, collaboration is the key to success. To truly involve each of you, the sculpture will be chosen from one of the three [options] -- each $1.00 donation will serve as one vote for [a] sculpture ... Each donor will have his/her name printed in an ad in the Times Union this summer to celebrate our community coming together in this effort!
The thumbnail on the right is one of the options (title "Generation Bridge"). Voting started today and goes through May 21.
The kickoff party for this year's Sculpture in the Streets is June 18.
Earlier on AOA:
+ Sculpture in the Streets 2009
+ Sculpture in the Streets 2008
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?