A tomato plant grows in Albany

Will it have tomatoes before the budget's finished?
Eileen sent along this pic this afternoon:
Found this tomato plant today growing in a crack of the sidewalk next to The Capitol on Washington Ave. Good to know something is thriving in Albany.
Maybe a tomato seed from a lunch truck vendor's sandwich found a good place to grow.
I'm trying to figure out what I can do to help keep it from getting cut/stepped on/destroyed. Maybe tomorrow I'll go over and try and protect it somehow with a gardening stake.
How great would it be if that plant bore tomatoes? There's just something hopeful about it.
It reminds us of the corn growing in the sidewalk in Watervliet spotted by Renee last summer.
(Thanks, Eileen!)
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Are you sure that is a tomato? Looks more like something the legislature must be smoking with a 100+ day late budget.
... said komradebob on Jul 16, 2010 at 5:21 PM | link
there is an enormous hop plant growing through a fence on Dove St in a vacant corner lot... maybe at Jay St? Somebody should brew some IPA to go with those tomatoes.
... said Otis Maxwell on Jul 16, 2010 at 5:36 PM | link
Goshdarnit, my own tomatoes are not thriving this year, and they're growing like weeds out of the sidewalk?! No fair!!
@komradebob: speaking of weeds, a couple of years ago, the herb of which YOU speak was seen growing out of the sidewalk on Jefferson near the corner of Jefferson and Delaware (by the salon). Nobody seemed to notice it was there, and it got about 3 feet tall before OGS cut it down on a routine weeding session. No pun intended.
... said Summer on Jul 16, 2010 at 5:44 PM | link
Summer, I remember seeing the "herb" at Jefferson and Delaware! I used to pass it and think, "Is that what I think it is? No...couldn't be...but...wait...I'm pretty sure it is." I actually had one of those grow in my own backyard. I'm not sure where and how the seed got there...if it was dropped by a bird or from my neighbors shaking out a towel on the stairs overlooking my yard.
I'll have to go peek at the tomato and hops...it's always rather neat to see unexpected plants growing in random places.
... said Paula on Jul 16, 2010 at 8:03 PM | link
@Summer: OGS cut that "weed" and delivered it to the infamous Man Cave in the parking garage.
... said upstater on Jul 16, 2010 at 8:08 PM | link
Just to follow up . . . checked yesterday and the plant is gone. :(
... said upstater on Jul 25, 2010 at 12:09 PM | link