Undocumented students
The New York Civil Liberties Union reports that "at least 20 percent of public school districts across New York State may be unlawfully barring or discouraging the enrollment of immigrant students." The NYCLU has compiled a list of districts whose stated policies appear to directly or indirectly violate the law for undocumented students -- and it includes a handful of local districts, including Albany, Bethlehem, Shen and Saratoga Springs. NYSED and school district response. [NYT]
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Wait, why should my taxes be going to illegals?
Maybe the federal government should start enforcing some of its laws concerning border enforcement and deportation of illegal immigrants.
Also, wouldn't the NYS laws regarding illegals be superseded by federal legislations per the supremacy clause?
... said Left of RIght on Jul 23, 2010 at 4:34 PM | link
Left of Right, for the same reason their taxes go to you for your use of public services.
And the law about is federal, not NYS.
... said Katie on Jul 26, 2010 at 1:18 PM | link
Left of Right, it's pretty basic.
Whether we like it or not, there are undocumented citizens here. We can talk about how to solve that particular problem as long as you want, but it's not going to change any time soon. Since we're living with that unfortunate fact, we also have to recognize that they have children here, too. Now, we could have those children enrolled in school, where districts are at least making some nominal effort at educating them for several hours a day. Or, we could have them not in school.
Which do you prefer? Which do you think ultimately costs taxpayers more?
... said B on Jul 26, 2010 at 1:46 PM | link