My Exit: Kizzi Casale

My Exit Kizzi.jpg

Kizzi Casale's musical playground, tonight at 8 on WEXT.

Every Monday night our friends at WEXT do this thing called My Exit -- local listeners get to come into the station and program an hour of music. So we thought it'd be fun to find out a little bit about these people and why they picked the songs on their play list.

Here's tonight's person:

I'm Kizzi Casale. I grew up in Columbia County, and I've been in the Albany area for about 15 years. I'm a non-profit grunt worker, happily living in Troy with my husband and our 2 year old boy.

How would you describe your musical taste?
My musical tastes are all over the map--everyone says that, but seriously, mine are. The only music not represented in my personal collection is easy listening, any kind of music where the vocal is only screaming unintelligibly, and Enya. It was a challenge to create this playlist. It wound up being just a sampling of what I was most into the day that I recorded it.

Four songs from Kizzi's My Exit Show:

Taper Jean Girl
-Kings of Leon
My 2 year old went through an air guitar phase recently. He called it "chugging" and used everything from the broom to a spoon as his "chug". I found that he loved Kings of Leon to chug to more than any other music. This song in particular will always bring me fond memories of watching a toddler playing a frying pan with his tongue hanging out and his foot stomping Les Claypool style.

I only recently discovered this band through a radio station on the West Coast. I love the sea shanty feel of it, and the totally unusual vocal style. One of my dearest friends is a sailor and it makes me think of her.

Polar Opposites
-Modest Mouse
There's nothing better than an angry and dysfunctional Modest Mouse song.

Interesting Drug-Morrissey
I am one of those former teenage Smiths/Cure girls. This song is an example of something Morrissey does that I love--setting pretty serious lyrics to happy pop music.

You can hear Kizzi's My Exit show tonight at 8 on 97.7 or at

Here's how to schedule your own My Exit show on WEXT.

The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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