Where to get whole sardines?

Apparently there's a bit of a neo-sardine movement because the fish are considered both healthy and sustainable.
Shadi and Jason:
"Where can we find fresh, whole sardines?"
Our first thought was to check with The Original Two Cousins fish market. So we called up the Newton Plaza location in Latham this morning. The helpful people there said they don't have fresh sardines -- but they do have frozen. A two pound bag is $7.95.
Anyone have other suggestions for Shadi and Jason? Maybe you've seen whole sardines in one of the supermarket seafood sections. Please share!
photo: Flickr user FotoosVonRobin
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I'd check the other Two Cousins on Livingston, as Newton Plaza is too hoity toity to have sardines..also, the Chinese Supermarket on Central near McNutt. They have a huge variety of fresh fish.
... said llcwine on Aug 26, 2010 at 11:01 AM | link
The new giant Asian market on Central Avenue near Grandma's has a whole selection of fish you wouldn't normally see at other stores.
... said Lila on Aug 26, 2010 at 11:20 AM | link
Sardines were on the menu recently at the Beekman Street Bistro in Saratoga. Maybe give them a call - prior to their dinner service, of course.
... said slilly on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:26 PM | link
What's the name or address of the Asian market on Central Avenue?
... said Matt on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:47 PM | link
Matt --
The name of the market is actually "Asian Supermarket" which is ridiculously ambiguous.
1245 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12205-5230
(518) 438-8886
Here it is on the map.
... said abby on Aug 26, 2010 at 2:13 PM | link
I used to buy whole macreels at the hanneford on Central ave. A few years ago they stopped offering whole fish for reasons of "health dept regs" at least that is what they told me. It was pretty much a line of whooey .. as far as I am concerned. Anyway, 2 cousins on livingston does not have whole macreels.. either.. much less whole sardines
However the absolute best place for seafood is
Gadaleto's Seafood Market 246 Main Street in New Paltz. Bar NONE... its worth the drive... next best in some place in NYC
... said hrgreen on Aug 29, 2010 at 3:07 PM | link
Thanks for the suggestions. The Asian Supermarket has them and was just there today.
... said shadi on Aug 29, 2010 at 10:13 PM | link
We have bought mackerel at the Asian Supermarket that were the sweetest, freshest fish I've ever found in the Capital District. And mackerel need to be really fresh. What a selection they had! And it's quite an adventure to tour the meat counter (pig uterus!?) or peer into styrofoam boxes to find live turtles.
... said Jackie Donnelly on Sep 2, 2010 at 9:20 PM | link