It's hot, Breslin and Martland debate term limits, underwear blamed for Cohoes sewage pump failure, 28 cats dropped at shelter in boxes, a Bombers for Troy?

This just in: it's hot. Today's high is forecasted to be 93. There's an air quality alert for ozone. [NWS] [NWS]

Term limits were one of the most-discussed issues at the debate between Democratic state Senate debate between Neil Breslin and Luke Martland. Said Martland of the incumbent: "If you believe that New York state is on the right track and that the status quo is working, then you should vote for Neil Breslin." Said Breslin: "... when people see the accomplishments, that I've had, see what I've done in terms of reform and cleaning up the Senate, I'm sure I'll be re-elected." [YNN] [TU] [WTEN]

Cohoes mayor John McDonald says the city has fixed the pumps whose failure had resulted in sewage being discharged into a tributary of the Hudson. He says the rags that damaged the pumps have been identified as children's clothing and underwear -- and police are investigating where they came from. [CBS6] [Troy Record]

Troy police say a man died yesterday after being hit by a car while crossing River Street (map). They say the man may have walked into the street from between two parked cars. [YNN] [Troy Record]

The Troy Fire Department says an elderly man died during a fire in his apartment early Wednesday morning. They say the fire may have been started by a cigarette. [Troy Record] [TU]

Four of the five Democratic candidates for state attorney general debated in Albany yesterday. A Q poll out today reports that voters pretty much have no idea who they're going to vote for in the primary. [TU] [State of Politics]

Harry Wilson, one of the Republicans running for state comptroller, says the state's pension fund is not as healthy as its annual reports suggest. [NYT]

The state health department credited a drop in statewide rates of hospital acquired infections to a reporting system that started three years ago. Capital Region hospital reported average -- and in some cases, better than average -- rates of infection. [NYS DOH] [TU]

The Animal Protective Foundation in Scotia 28 cats were left in taped-up moving boxes (with some air holes) outside the shelter yesterday. The shelter says it appears the cats belonged to a woman who had been evicted from her apartment -- and the landlord dropped off the animals. [WTEN] [Fox23] [CBS6]

The new Saratoga Springs city planner is Kate Maynard, the former Wilton planner. [Saratogian]

School buses in Troy include three cameras (one infrared) and realtime GPS tracking. [TU]

Lori Sames told the Gazette that she was approaching people in fast food parking lots in an effort to get more votes for Hannah's Hope Fund near the midnight deadline in the Pepsi Refresh contest. The local org finished as one of the winners. [Daily Gazette]

Two people are in the early stages of trying to open a Bombers franchise in downtown Troy. [Troy Record]

There's a horse barn in Saratoga almost completely powered by solar. [Saratogian]

The Battenkill Valley Creamery in Washington County was named the highest quality milk at the state fair. [Post-Star]


I attended last night's Breslin-Martlin debate, three things came to mind.
1) Breslin misrepresented the call for term limits, citing term limits of 4-6 years, whereas no one including Martland has been suggesting term limits of under 12 years. With 14 years in office, well basically, he'd be voting himself (with term limits) out of office.
I object (philosophically and politically)(It's all about of the people, for the people, BY THE PEOPLE issues) to someone starting as an aid in say, "The NYS Senate" and through a series of political advancements becoming a NYS Assemblymen, Senator or US CONGRESSMAN, as far as I'm concerned there term limits should be ZERO! I view career politicians as being to far out of touch with the public, after years in government, to represent me!
So who is and isn't qualified? That starts to be a grey area and others might not think so, but I consider people like Luke Martland and Anna Lewis (running in the 31st Senate District), NYS State attorneys, who I consider to have had REAL JOBS. They certainly didn't start their working careers as an aid to say, former NYS State Senator H Douglas Barclay or current NYS Assemblyman William Barclay or are partners in the Law Firm of Hiscoc & BARCLAY.
Which brings us to point 2)
2) Breslin explained that he only practiced "Family Law, Wills, Real Estate transactions, that sort of thing, that if he ever thought he had a conflict of interest he'd resign.
NEVER ONCE DID HE MENTION WHO HIS EMPLOYER WAS! Because, basically one way or another, if State Senator Neil Breslin votes the wrong way on a piece of legislation that seriously effects the Net Income of former US Ambassador to El Salvador and/or his sons, David and NYS Assemblyman we Willy Barclay.........He's otta der... gone ...adios amigos ..... Hit the road Jack! or if he votes favorably, it's a promotion!
Breslin and Jim Domagalski (also of Hiscoc & Barclay running in the Republican primary in Buffalo's 59th) are just the Barclay's lap dogs!
The real conflict of interest lies, not with the clients, but the partners and there fellow members in the NYS Bar, there campaign contributors. Of the 62 State Senators, in January of 2010 there were 19 of 20 NYS Senator practicing NYS law.
It is time we got rid of all of the lap dogs
(Clarification) Martland and Anna Lewis worked for the Attorney General's office, hence they distance themselves from the Legislative Branch of government.
I see nothing wrong with someone serving up to 20 years in office as long as they have worked in the private sector an equal length of time. Or in the legislature 20 years TOTAL, no 20 years as a Senators Aid, 20 years as an Assemblyman and then 20 years as a Congressman or NYS Senator, it would be 20 and out. And out, means no future job as a lobbyist!
I think, just as Martland has done, part of term limits should constitute a pledge to his/her constituents of just how long they are planning on being in office.
Luke Martland has agreed not to practice law while in office and has promised no more than 10 years in office, I expect if elected, him to stay true to his word.
With voters calling for term limits, some voters wanting longer term limits than others, it would be nice if included in term limit legislation, if a candidate says no more than 8, 10, 12 years, then 8, 10, 12 years it is.
Because of the huge conflict of interest of the 200 attorney law Firm, I'm of the opinion, Mr Breslin, 59th Senatorial District candidate Jim Domalagalski, State Assemblyman William Barclay and others in less prestigious law firms aren't even qualified to serve a single term, let alone have term limits.
3) Mr Breslin talked about how difficult it was to get legislation passed with a slim 32:30 majority in the Senate. The swing votes don't lie in the Democratic Party or Republican Party they lie in the second largest party in the Senate, the Bar party, for it is the 20 members of the NYS Bar Association, out numbering the non attorney Republicans!
Barclay, Breslin and associates have the swing votes to pass OR HOLD UP VIRTUALLY EVERY PIECE OF LEGISLATION THEY SEE FIT.

You can bet there will be no tort reform as long as these men are in power. We'll be stuck indefinitely practicing defensive medicine.

4) Oh! I guess there were 4 points that struck me, Martland talked about passion, about fighting for a cause, perhaps campaign rhetoric, but Martland won't be answerable to anyone but his constituents and fellow State Senators.
I think that important in a candidate.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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