This week was brought to you by

AOA scientists are still working on smell-o-vision.
Beer, polls & polls about beer. Oh, and the return of garlic paste.
We'll drink to that.
It was also brought to you by our delicious AOA advertisers. The folks listed below made your AOA fix possible this week. Please pay them a visit, and if you think of it, thank them for supporting AOA.
If you've got a product or service you think would appeal to the crowd, HERE'S HOW YOU CAN ADVERTISE WITH AOA. It's easy, and affordable.
Food and Drink
+ The Wine Bar and Bistro on Lark has wine after work pricing on the weekends now. Have a drink under the wisteria on the back patio before the season is over.
+The Honest Weight Food Co-op's has all kinds of local deliciousness. Stop by and see Gustav at the cheese counter!
+There's still some barbecue weather left! Save on Bilinski's chicken sausage with this exclusive AOA/Price Chopper coupon.
Stuff to do
SEED PLLC is offering a free Apple iPad with any solar electric system installation of 2kw or greater and 10% off any engineering services.
+Sunmark Federal Credit Union now has mobile banking . Bank with Sunmark from your mobile phone.
+The panda implores you to buy your festival pass soon for Filament at EMPAC October 1-3. More information here.
+Get a FREE MONTH of Wink High Speed Internet Service from Tech Valley Communications. Enter this code when you sign up for service at: w1n87k06
Stuff to see
+17 Chapel has started construction on their luxury condos, but you can check out their "model" in the on-site Sales Center on site in downtown Albany. Here's a look:
Photo: Flickr user felipe_gabaldon
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?