Kevin Clark's big pictures

Kevin working on the Troy Music Hall mural in August.
Kevin Clark likes to do things big.
Kevin's a mural artist -- you've probably seen his handiwork on Capital Region Walls.
The "Welcome to Troy" mural? His. The one on the side of Brown's Brewing? His. He's also responsible for works on the walls of a bunch of schools, arenas, restaurants and shopping malls around the Capital Region.
His latest creation stands on the side of a building in downtown Troy and depicts the interior of Troy Saving Bank Music Hall.
Just passing by his work kind of brightens our day. And after we caught him in action last month in Troy, we had a few questions about this large scale work and the guy behind it.
Kevin's answers, and some more of his amazing work, after the jump.
So, why murals?
I started doing murals by accident. I went to school for illustration and was not prepared for the real world upon graduation. Fortunately a friend of mine opened a brewery and needed stuff painted on the walls, so it was a trial-by-fire sort of thing.
I do about 10 murals a year on average, and in between I do some faux finishing, marbling, gilding and other fancy painting stuff.
What's appealing about working on such a large scale?
Painting on a large scale seems easier for me. I don't know why, maybe because I see things clearer, like details and contrasts. When I'm painting smaller on canvas I tend to get anal and obsessive and want to do things like change the sky 50 different times. On a mural you really can't change things around so easily, so you have to make it work, get it done and move on.
What do you have to do differently when you paint on such a large scale?
When working so large you really have to nail down the perspective and use the space wisely.
When I can, I'll project what needs to be painted, especially logos and lettering. I use a grid when I have to do something on a super large scale, but many times I can just wing it unless the client is super specific and has the reference they want mimicked exactly.
So, can you make a living painting murals?
You can. But in this area it's more difficult than it would be in Florida or a larger metropolitan area. I make ends meet by doing faux finishes and other paint effects. I'm not a very good businessman, but I also get a certain satisfaction out of my work that money can't buy.
What are some of the stranger or more interesting projects you've done?
A guy wanted a marbleized column to look like a candy cane. And a different client wanted his walls to look like it had been water stained. The latter one turned out pretty well, surprisingly.
The candy cane client was offered alternatives, but wound up getting what he wanted, regrettably.
What do your walls look like at home?
My walls at home are just painted normally, ha ha. I get it out of my system at work. I did paint murals in my kids room though, although most of the details are blocked by furniture now. My sons' room is painted like you are in a ship floating in space with all the Pixar and Disney characters hanging off of it.
Did you draw on walls as a kid?
I really didn't draw on walls as a kid. I'm making up for that now.
Are you taunted by big empty walls?
I am. Big time. The Passanno Paint wall on 787, the storage building in downtown Albany near Huck Finns [Central Warehouse]... those building annoy the hell out of me. I would paint them for free if I could afford to.
Some of Kevin's work
Kids Rooms
photos courtesy of Kevin Clark
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Fantastic. I can't even imagine how he does that on that scale, without a grid most of the time. Did he paint the mural that used to be on the side of Bagels & Bite? (which became Avenue A, now Wine & Diner).
He should absolutely paint the Central Warehouse. Set up a fund, I'll chip in.
... said -S on Oct 4, 2010 at 4:08 PM | link
to some, those generic, meaningless and uninspiring paintings are worse than the hideous monstrosity of the central warehouse as it stands.
... said andrew on Oct 4, 2010 at 4:15 PM | link
@andrew: so, not a fan?
... said -S on Oct 4, 2010 at 4:53 PM | link
Yikes Andrew. Still upset about your failed mural aspirations?
Anyway, does anyone know who painted that bicyclist on the side of the building on Henry Johnson and Washington? I was going to take a picture of it this weekend but like a bicycle, I was two-tired...
... said Save Pine Hills on Oct 4, 2010 at 5:28 PM | link
Great murals - the kids' ones are fabulous! What a great thing to have in your room!
... said Pallagia on Oct 5, 2010 at 9:19 AM | link
-S, the mural on the old Bagel Bite was done by another local artist, Bryan Linden. His work is also in the new(ish) Halfmoon town hall. He's a neighborhood guy, I'd be surprised if you hadn't crossed paths with him at some point.
... said Leigh on Oct 5, 2010 at 9:23 AM | link
Damn, andrew - I don't know how anyone could dislike Kevin's murals... they are great! They add a lot of character to what would otherwise be a blank white wall. I loved passing the "Welcome to Troy" mural each day on my way to and from work when I lived in Troy. I have to get over to the music hall to see that one in person.
... said Paul on Oct 5, 2010 at 1:30 PM | link