More details about All Good Bakers' community supported bakery

All Good Bakers' Britin and Nick
We've been curious about the community supported bakery that All Good Bakers is starting up since hearing about it a few week back. For a couple of reasons:
1. We're always interested to hear how people are finding creative ways to start up sustainable local businesses.
2. Cinnamon buns.
So we bounced a few questions to Britin and Nick Foster, the married couple that owns All Good Bakers. Britin bounced back answers about how the CSB will work, the difficulty small local food companies have finding kitchen space and... cinnamon buns hot out of the oven.
First, a quick bio: Nick and Britin live in Albany's Whitehall neighborhood. He grew up in Clifton Park, she's from North Carolina. She says they first met in California about 10 years ago -- and then again in a North Carolina coffee shop a few years later. They moved to Albany shortly after that. They have a three-year-old daughter.
Under the name All Good Bakers, they've been selling organic baked goods (including some vegan items) at the Delmar Farmers' Market.
So, how did the idea for a community supported bakery come about?
We have been brainstorming all summer about how to continue our bread/baked goods business through the winter - we've been working farmer's markets for about 6 years, but there is a serious lack of winter markets nearby (besides Troy which has a lot of bakers already).
We started with the idea of piggy-backing with a meat CSA to offer bread with those shares. Pretty quickly it dawned on us that we should just begin selling shares to the general public. I did some research about other CSBs and discovered that the business model is viable (community supported models are branching out). We did some market research with our customers, found a kitchen to rent, navigated the health department and permits process and are in the process of acquiring equipment and rental partners (other small producers). Our health department permit is still pending inspection, but our papers are filed.
Why go this direction instead of sticking with farmers' markets or opening a bakery space?
We really don't have the capital to invest in a full-time bakery space, nor with a toddler do we have the time to dedicate the long hours both of us would have to work to make one successful. We'll continue working the markets in-season. The up-front capital the community supported model will bring us will enable us to bake with organic flours and local ingredients (important to us) and it will allow us to run our own business and still have time for family. We want to grow slowly, build a solid customer base and then perhaps expand.
Immediate thoughts are: form a coalition of bakers to rent the kitchen space when we're not using it. Albany-proper has almost no commercial kitchen space for rent (we had a hell of a time finding one - we contacted over 50 churches, community buildings, restaurants, etc.). There are a lot of small producers here preparing enhanced agricultural products but no hyper-local kitchens available for part-time rental to allow them to expand.
We'd like to help other small businesses grow by renting for a reasonable rate (we're thinking $10/hr with a discount for larger blocks of time). Our landlord is receptive to the idea and we're very glad to have found him - we'll help a small local business by renting from him.
Eventually we'd like to bring in members of the community who don't always have affordable access to healthy bread and begin some kind of exchange program - someone comes in to help us out with the baking, they learn a variety of techniques from all the bakers and take home some of the proceeds of their effort. This is a loose idea right now - we're brainstorming ways to arrange something like this and will be soliciting our shareholders opinions about how to make it happen. It's important to us to benefit the larger community somehow with this effort.
What can people expect to get from a CSB share?
We'll have 3 options from which to choose, 1, 2 or 3 units per week. Each unit constitutes one loaf of bread OR one group of baked goods per week. We'll be offering Rustic Italian, Whole Wheat, Spelt, Rye, Hearty Multigrain & a variety of Baker's Pick specialty loaves, as well as Bialys, Croissants, Seasonal Scones & Muffins, Vegan Cinnamon Buns & special order cakes/bulk orders.
[Here's an info sheet with more details. And a sign-up sheet. Units are $6 per week -- that's $156 for half a year.]
What's your baking/culinary background?
We are both self-taught and have been working in restaurants since we were 15 (me off and on, him steadily). Nick learned how to bake from his grandmother, who every week made their family of eight's bread and baked goods.
I've always enjoyed baking cakes & sweets for family & friends, but at one point we became vegan and I starting experimenting more often to satisfy my own cravings. We're no longer vegan, but there is a market for vegan sweets in Albany so we have continued along that vein by continuing to offer some animal-free items.
Nick is the primary baker -- he prepares all of the bread and almost all of the baked goods. The real creativity lies with him and it sustains the long hours required to bake fresh, in volume. He's passionate about perfecting his recipes and using quality ingredients to ensure everything meets his high standards.
Where will you actually be baking the products?
We'll be renting a small kitchen space from Mark Guido of Guido's Frozen Desserts on Quail Street. Mark has had an Italian ice truck business for almost 30 years here in Albany -- he's great.
How's the response so far to the CSB? How many people are signed up?
We have received quite a lot of requests for information (roughly 200 via email), we have about 15 members fully signed up so far (we launched last Friday).
The deadline for sign-up is October 24 so we're hoping to get 150 by then. A lot of people seem to think it's a great idea and we're really excited about the positive feedback we've received. We have friends helping to get the word out and other bloggers have graciously written us up so we have been gaining momentum.
We think the fact that people will know their bakers, the ingredients we use & where we get them from, and that we always bake from scratch is really what interests our potential shareholders.
[Britin says they don't have a minimum number to move ahead with the CSB -- they'll start with however many they get by the October 24.]
You're thinking creatively about your business -- and you also seem to be doing a good job getting the word out. Any advice for other people trying to start up their own small business?
We are kind of flying by the seat of our pants here -- we've never run our own business (except for working the farmers' markets) and neither of us went to college, but we're utilizing all the skills we've learned along the way in life. I think the years we have spent baking for farmer's markets has put us directly in touch with what the community wants -- listening and responding to our customers is really the key.
As far as getting the word out, I would say to use every appropriate, affordable venue available to reach your customers. I think attitude is everything -- being reasonable, respectful and responsive to customers, vendors, landlords, and press goes a long way toward building a successful business.
We also take care to streamline all of our processes so they remain somewhat simplified -- we do everything ourselves so it's important the organizational aspects of running our business don't become too complicated and overwhelming.
What's your favorite baked good?
Our cinnamon buns are my favorite. Our daughter and I still have one every week hot out of the oven with oozing icing -- they are true comfort food! Nick likes the bialys and croissants -- they both have taken a considerable amount of time to perfect so the reward is particularly sweet.
All Good Bakers is also involved in another local food startup -- the Delmar Dinner by Bike project.
This interview has been lightly edited and condensed.
photo: Jen Felitte via All Good Bakers
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Congrats and good luck to Britin and Nick! We're already signed up and super excited for our weekly share. The bread and bialys are great!
I'm also very excited to hear about the possibility of volunteering or baking with them.
Thanks again!
... said Jay on Oct 12, 2010 at 11:56 AM | link
I remember that song.
"I've seen all Good Bakers turn their heads each day so satisfied, I'm on my way..."
I think it's from a song by YES.
Speaking of YES, I've tried their stuff, and all I can say is YES.
... said Tommy on Oct 12, 2010 at 2:30 PM | link
Congrats to Britin and Nick! My wife and I have known them for some time, and can personally attest to the tastiness of their baking! Good food made by good people. What else can you ask for?
... said Erik Dollman on Oct 12, 2010 at 2:42 PM | link
We are grateful for the positive feedback! FYI, photo credit should go to Jen Felitte, Local Harvest Fest '09. Thanks for profiling us All Over Albany!!
... said All Good Bakers on Oct 12, 2010 at 3:37 PM | link
FYI Folks, the Delmar Market will be operating inside the Bethlehem Middle School gym November - December 15 (except Thanksgiving week). We'll be the only bread vendors there from here on out. Please stop by to meet us & have a sample!
... said All Good Bakers on Oct 12, 2010 at 6:12 PM | link
I worked with Britin about 7 years ago. She and Nick are 2 off the nicest people I ever had the luck to meet. Even back then their baking was amazing. I can only imagine how good it is now.
... said Jessica on Oct 12, 2010 at 6:22 PM | link
@Tommy, I stole your song lyric for my FB status. Thanks :)
@Erik, come by & see us already, bring your new wife!
... said All Good Bakers on Oct 12, 2010 at 10:01 PM | link
It'll be a little colder on Saturday, but we hope you will all come visit us from 9-1 at the Delmar Market (Bethlehem Middle School, Kenwood Ave.) to have a taste of our baked goods & meet over 40 other great local producers! We'll have lots of Bread, Buns and other tasty treats for you. We're happy to answer any questions you may have about us, feel free to contact us anytime.
The Delmar Market will be inside the school November - December 15. There are lots of local crafters during the colder months, and a warm & friendly atmosphere.
Hope to see you there!
... said All Good Bakers on Oct 14, 2010 at 4:02 PM | link
Our Albany CSB pick-up has been confirmed! Every Wednesday night from 5-7 starting Nov. 3, we'll be at The Women's Building (373 Central, enter in rear at 356 Sherman St. between Quail & Ontario, street parking). If you've been waiting to sign up until we confirmed this detail, wait no longer!
Here's a picture of the back of the building....
Some folks have said they're having trouble emailing us, we really don't know the origin of this problem. Please visit our FB page for our phone number & give us a call, we'll mail a sign-up sheet to you. Thanks!
... said All Good Bakers on Oct 17, 2010 at 4:55 PM | link
AGB is offering a giveaway of a sample box of baked goods & a loaf of our bread this week! Go to our Facebook page and leave a comment, winner will be drawn randomly on Friday at noon for pick-up on Saturday at the Delmar Farmer's Market 9-1.
... said All Good Bakers on Oct 19, 2010 at 8:09 AM | link
We've got 41 shares sold as of the deadline! We need at least 100 to make our kitchen rental viable. We are going to start accepting applications for the CSB on a rolling, pro-rated basis until we hit our mark. If you missed the deadline, you can still join! Just deduct the weeks you've missed and get your order form in at least a week in advance so that we can have the proper materials on hand.
We won't be at the Delmar Market this Sat. (Oct. 30), but we will return in full force the 1st weekend of Nov! The market's indoor Winter season runs Oct. 30-Dec. 15, at least 25 vendors have been confirmed so far - please continue to visit us at the Bethlehem Middle School! There will be lots of local crafters, fall vegetables, grass fed meat & a warm, friendly atmosphere. Only one of 3 Saturday winter markets close to Albany....producer only.
... said All Good Bakers on Oct 25, 2010 at 7:49 AM | link
C'mon folks! For about the price of one beer plus tip you can have fresh baked bread and goodies to look forward to all winter long. If you've never tried Nick and Britin's baking, let me tell you it's top notch. Let's make it happen!
... said m on Oct 25, 2010 at 6:14 PM | link
I have to say I'm not a fan of All good bakers. Urge bread does not have a good crust and I found it very dry. The grilled cheese that had truffle oil was disgusting and the desserts are never that tasty. Sorry, I really did want to like it.
... said Whit on Mar 7, 2012 at 11:15 AM | link
@Whit, I'm very sorry you had unsatisfactory experiences with our goods. We of course always strive to make our loaves with a moist crumb/proper crust and our desserts tasty, but sometimes have intermittent consistency issues that we are always working to recognize and improve. The Truffle Cheese you refer to doesn't feature Truffle Oil but actual Truffles from Adventures in Food Trading (Albany), and is made by one of the finest soft cheesemakers in our region, R&G Cheeseworks in Cohoes, the owner of whom, Sean O'Connor, prepares each batch carefully himself. With freshly made and toasted sourdough, freshly picked blackberries made into jam by a local producer (Beth's Farm Kitchen) and Sean's Truffle Falls Cheese, it's a crime you didn't enjoy your sandwich (in my, admittedly biased, view). That said, we understand food is a subjective pleasure and realize you may not enjoy the same foods we or others do. Thank you for you constructive criticism. Should you ever wish to stop in the shop again to give us another try, we would welcome speaking with you personaly about your concerns. We aim to please and learning that we might not in some cases has helped us improve our offerings in the past. Thank you for offering your opinion and we hope to see you in the new shop at 540 Delaware Ave.
... said Britin @ All Good Bakers on Mar 8, 2012 at 11:01 PM | link