Response continues to Paladino's comments about homosexuality, Albany County proposed budget includes big tax increase, police say two dogs shot, really big pumpkins

Carl Paladino continued to respond to the outrage over his Sunday remarks about homosexuality. He said yesterday during the Columbus Day parade in Manhattan that he "unequivocally" supports gay rights, but, "The one thing that I don't [support] is [same-sex] marriage, all right?> I'm a Catholic." And he appeared frustrated by the continued focus on the issue. Meanwhile, other Republicans tried to distance themselves from Paladino. The remarks appears to have fired up Democratic constituencies. Andrew Cuomo called Paldino's comments "reckless" and "divise." And responding to Paladino's criticism of having taken his daughters to a gay pride parade, Cuomo said: "He's probably the last person I'll take advice from on how to raise my daughters." [State of Politics] [State of Politics] [NYT] [Daily Politics] [TU] [Daily Politics] [State of Politics]

Paladino has said he would like to cut the state gas tax, which funds infrastructure projects around the state. [TU]

Cuomo was paid more than $1 million from 2004-2005 while working for a company whose owner had been investigated by HUD while Cuomo was the federal housing secretary. [TU]

Scott Murphy has voted the same way as Nancy Pelosi 85 percent of the time -- and 63 percent of the time with John Boehner. [NYT]

The Albany County proposed budget includes 14.9 percent tax increase -- and the elimination of 511 jobs. [TU]

Albany common councilman Anton Konev says he was mugged while walking home early Sunday morning (map). He says he was knocked down and robbed by two men. [TU] [CBS6]

Albany police says a woman was mugged and assaulted by two women in Pine Hills early Saturday morning (map). [Fox23]

Albany police say a man was stabbed in the arm near Lincoln Park Saturday. [YNN]

Watervliet police say not one, but two dogs were shot in backyards earlier this month -- and now one of them has died. [WNYT]

Colonie police say they arrested 19-year-old for having the materials necessary -- including holographic stickers shipped from China -- to make good-quality fake IDs. They say the teen, who's a Saint Rose student, was selling the IDs for $100. [TU] [Daily Gazette] [YNN]

One of the major manufacturers of chip fab equipment is setting up an office near the Global Foundries site in Malta. [Daily Gazette]

Union College will be issuing $38 million in bonds to pay for campus improvements. The school is the money through a Schenectady County org, but the the school will be solely responsible for paying the money back. [Fox23] [TU]

A flood at the SUNY central offices in downtown Albany has knocked out the building's power and computer systems. The building is closed today and alternate work locations are being arranged. [TU] [CBS6]

Two Troy women have been accused of having 86 cats in two cars in Bennington. [WTEN]

There's research that indicates that stands of honeysuckle bushes are associated with ticks that carry Lyme disease. (Some of the counties with the highest incidence of Lyme disease in the state are in the Capital Region.) [TU]

The Lansingburgh post office is now named after former Troy mayor Marty Mahar. [Troy Record]

The matriarch of the DiSiena family -- which owns the eponymous furniture store in Mechanicville -- has passed away. She and her husband started out selling Christmas trees. [TU] [Troy Record]

They really know how to grow pumpkins in Rensselaer County. [Troy Record]


A couple of comments about the SUNY central story. I'm surprised that only 400 people work in that glorious building. And how the hell does SUNY justify spending millions to renovate the Chancellor's office when all of their colleges, including UAlbany, a flagship, are cutting programs!

I was worried about the democratic party in NYS after the Senate coup in the summer of '09. However, I think that whatever damage the dems sustained through their antics in the legislature has been far overridden by Paladino at this point. I'm hoping that he will ensure that voters will not just blindly vote against democrats because they are sick of the dems' shenanigans, but will instead vote for them because the GOP gubernatorial candidate is a raving lunatic!

So... um, Paladino's against equal rights for gays based on his religion, but somehow missed that whole commandment about adultery when his semi-secret daughter was conceived?

Quoth the Church Lady: "Isn't that conveeeeeeenient?"

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