A good place to get a passport photo?

passport stampsAbby emails:

My mother is need of a new passport photo that fulfills the rules and regs of the British Embassy. This sounds fairly straight forward, but in fact there's a 12 page PDF of how to do it properly.
Can any of the readers suggest a person/studio that will be able to help her?

We're guessing that any place that does a lot of passport photos could probably handle the requirements of the UK. (Then again, we sometimes have to turn on the subtitles during films with heavy British accents.)

Any suggestions for Abby? Please share!

photo: Flickr user hjl


stuyvesant plaza post office-- my passport had expired and I needed a new photo as well. They took care of all of it and I got my passport very quickly!

I didn't bother to read the 12 page document, but you can get passport photos done at most USPS offices (you can go to their webpage to find out which ones), and most pharmacy chains (Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, etc... again, go to their webpage to find out which ones do passport photos).

The ones that I have gotten done at these locations are the normal type - white background, forward facing, 2x2 inches.

The pharamacies are almost 50% cheaper than the USPS.

Ok, I opened the document... what I said should cover what you need.

If she's nervous about requirements, and doesn't mind paying a few bucks more, I'd recommend the photo/camera store at Stuyvesant Plaza. Much better customer service than the pharmacies -- I've had passport photos taken both there and the Stuy Plaza CVS this year -- and surprise, the camera store takes a better photo too!

Stuyvesant Photo Does a great job.

I also suggest a USPS (I do not know if the British rules are different then American). Being a government operation they also guarantee their photos. Meaning, if you are rejected for bad photo they will pay for the next application and the rush fee.

I do my own - with a bright room with a plain light colored wall it's pretty easy - then you can crop them and print them to make sure that the size/shape and head position meet the requirements. It always seems I need UK style photos when I'm in the US and vice-versa - of course they can't be the same!

Walgreen's did mine, and they actually did a very good job for $7. My only complaint with them is that they told me to smile, which you are not supposed to do, per passport photo standards.

i'll do it for 7 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers

Thanks everyone!

We tried the traditional pharmacy route -- in fact, the British Embassy says that CVS can do UK passport photos. I called ahead and they said that they could do it. Unfortunately, when my mom showed up they changed their tune. (Even spoke with a manager!)

But... it looks like Stuyvesant Photo is going to work! Thanks for the leads, readers!


Stuyvesant Photo was used when my English wife needed to renew her UK passport. They did a great job, and it wasn't expensive.

AAA. If you're a member, I think it's only a few bucks.

Have had much better luck at Stuyvesant Photo than the Post Office.

I have been putting this off myself, and Hubby has been pushing me to get that photo already so we can get our passports. I know he wants to go to Canada at some point in the near future. :) Thanks for the info.

Well first, "good" passport photos don't exist. I left my house, drove 1 mile to the post office and as soon as the camera was snapped BAM bad photo. I'm still not sure how it happened. I think it's not being allowed to smile thing.

Anyways, I hit up my post office. It was easy enough to do the picture and passport in one stop.

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