A good place to watch NFL games?

nfl logo footballLooking forward to Sunday, Fred emails:

My brother is coming to town for the weekend and he wants to watch the Dolphins game on Sunday (we grew up in Florida). What's a good place to catch NFL games? We're hoping for good food, too.

It seems like every pub, bar and neighborhood joint now has multiple TVs for showing the NFL.

Any suggestions for Fred and and his brother? Please share!

The games being shown this weekend on broadcast TV here are Detroit at Giants and Jets at Denver.

Earlier on AOA:
+ A question last year asked about the best sports bars
+ The Steelers' success started in... Saratoga?

photo: Flickr user Eric Kilby


definitely mcgearys on the corner of clinton & broadway. theyve got sunday ticket so they get all games, shown on about 5 or 6 big, flatscreen tv's right above the bar. the beer selection is excellent, and my favorite bartender in all of albany--karen--works all day sunday, and she will certainly take care of you. havent had the food yet but, im pretty sure tess collins' chef took over when tess was made manager a month or two ago. and if past experience is any indication, the food should be outstanding.

maybe see you there! (going for the giants game)

I don't know if it's "the best", but any of the Recovery Rooms will work. They have decent sports bar food, all the games, and little speakers for each table so you can listen to the game you're interested in.

Buffalo Wild Wings? Festive atmosphere, good food, huge screens.

Couldn't disagree more on the recovery room. Packed with meatheads in jerseys who scream at the screens. No place to sit and too loud to hear yourself speak.

I would first do a google search and see if there are any known local dolphins bars. Might be. Other than that you should just find a dive that has the nfl sunday ticket and will put on whatever game you ask for. Jessica Stones in latham or Reds by washington park spring to mind

By far, the best place to go, with a lot of TVs great atmosphere and awesome food is Graneys on New Scotland. After that, I would say the Recovery Room, great tvs, even one over each urinal, so you don't have to miss anything and the little personal speakers are nice too. The food there is sub par though. And that is being kind.

What about Smokey Bones on central. Good food and good draft and bottle specials and they have the tv remote sound devices. Had spatan octoberfest on draft last night for $4 a pint and they have the coors light or miller 22oz i think for 2.75

I hate to say it, for the sake of local spaces, but Chili's on Wolf Road carries all the games, along with two for one specials, standard bar food and wings, etc, etc. Might be worth a shot if you're looking for a Dolphin's game in Albany!

Surprised no one has said Wolf's 1-11.. Not quite as sport oriented as Recovery Room (obviously), but their draft beer tap list blows any other sports bar's away. They do have Sunday Ticket and are also centrally located in Colonie

I second Wolf's 1-11. I was there a few Saturdays ago and there were at least eight different college games on multiple flat screens. Echoing the above comment, the reason we went there was for the great beer selection.

Philly Bar & Grill in Latham is awesome for the games. Great food, tons of TVs and they have a covered bar outside w/ heaters to watch the games (until it starts to get really cold). Plus, NFL ticket so all games are on!

Hollywood on Lark has the Sunday ticket now, as does Bombers in Schenectady. Both bars serve wings!

Now that I've been to two of the Recovery Rooms and was able to use the tableside-speakers, I probably won't go to any other place unless they have a similar setup. The whole point (to me) is to experience a game that I wouldn't be able to see on TV without spending a ridiculous amount of money on Sunday Ticket. Why would I only want to see the game but hear a different game ?

Do any of the other places mentioned above have a similar setup to the Recovery Room?

Legends sports lounge on Lark. 2(& 1/2) floors of seats, and have always had the game I was looking for when dining there. Decent fare/prices.

Jacob & Anthony's American Grille in Saratoga is a fantastic upscale place to watch the games. 6 televisions, 1/2 price draft beers, $5 appetizers, and free wings at half-time! Worth the trip!!

Jacob & Anthony's? OMG, it's cheaper to just buy the NFL Ticket and watch from home OR buy a ticket and fly to the game. $12 Martini's, $38 entrees that leave you still hungry, bargain, I think not.

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