My Exit: Tom McLaughlin

Tonight's My Exit DJ, Tom McLaughlin
Every Monday night our friends at WEXT do this thing called My Exit -- local listeners get to come into the station and program an hour of music. So we thought it'd be fun to find out a little bit about these people and why they picked the songs on their play list.
Here's tonight's person:
Tom (Z-Floid) McLaughlin, from Castleton, NY. I'm a non-violent postal worker with two grown children. I've been deliberately listening to music since I was two years old, just as The Rolling Stones released "Satisfaction." My wife's My Exit aired October 11. We've been together over five years, and continue to find ways to influence and inspire each other.
How would you describe your musical taste?
Progressive rock (mostly). I've always loved pipe organs, B-3s, and especially Mellotrons!
My show is called Prog-Rock Mini-Epics, with a Dash of Psychedelia and Pop.
5 songs from Tom's My Exit Show:
Procession - The Moody Blues
I started it this way, just as I started my first college radio show in 1981, because I feel it is the ultimate opening, as it is in itself a bold statement of the evolution of music. I honestly don't like the following track, "The Story In Your Eyes" (with that wonderful sustain) as much without that intro!
Fils De Lumiere - Ange
Wow! the goose-bump factor runs very high with me on this one! The first time I heard this song, I kept it on repeat for many, many times. Don't know a lot of French, 'though.
Pilamanure - Countess Space
OK, Pilamanure is basically just me. Vanity factor aside, my wife really liked this track when I debuted it as part of the soundtrack to the play "The Madwoman Of Chaillot," for the Circle Theatre Players; a show we were both thrilled to be involved with.
The Prisoner (Eight by Ten) - Spring
This track from a relatively obscure English band utilizes three (3!) Mellotrons at one time! Goose bumps progress to tears.
A Day In The Life - The Beatles
Quite simply put, the greatest song ever recorded. The string crescendos, the production quality (1967!), input from both Lennon and McCartney; the ultimate conclusion song, from the great LP it came from, to My Exit as well. My all-time favourite song!
You can hear Tom's My Exit show tonight at 8 on 97.7 or at
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YAY TOM! Tom has the most amazing vinyl collection in the Capital Region. You can quote me on that.
... said LB on Oct 26, 2010 at 3:26 AM | link