Uncertain Spectator at EMPAC

A still from Jordan Wolfson's "Con Leche" video piece, part of "Uncertain Spectators"
Looks interesting: EMPAC has a genre-spanning exhibition called "Uncertain Spectator" opening Thursday evening. From the blurb:
A group exhibition confronting anxiety in contemporary art, Uncertain Spectator asks individuals to cross a threshold -- to place themselves in situations riddled with tension, confront deeply charged emotional content, and grapple with feelings of apprehension. The works presented deal with a general mood of uneasiness arising from recent political and economic events that frames a future rife with imminent threats. Uncertain Spectator not only responds to these unsettling situations, but also creates them by challenging individuals to step outside of a place of comfort both physically and emotionally.
Hmm. Shocking they were able to mine recent events for feelings of apprehension.
Among the special events that are part of Thursday's exhibition opening:
+ A performance by the Troy Chainsaw Ensemble
+ A screening of Lars von Trier's film Dancer in the Dark, which stars Bjork.
Events get started at 6 pm. It's free. And we hear there will be free snacks, too.
The exhibition runs through January 29.
Bonus Thursday stuff to do: The annual B3nson Family Funsgiving is Thursday night at Valentine's. Many of the collective members are lined up to perform: We Are Jeneric, If Madrid, Scientific Maps, Que Caro, Barons in the Attic, Sgt Dunbar, and Beware! The Other Head of Science. $10 at the door, $8 with a non-perishable food item.
Yep, EMPAC has advertised on AOA in the past
image: Jordan Wolfson via EMPAC
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