Megyn Kelly's look has changed a bit since Bethlehem High School

Bethlehem High School 1988 | GQ 2010
The new issue of GQ includes an interview with Fox News anchor -- and Delmar native -- Megyn Kelly.
Says the article (titled "She Reports, We Decided She's Hot") of Kelly:
Abhorred by the left, adored by the right, frequently pinata'd by The Daily Show, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly has become the very blonde face--and legs--of the network. And she's okay with that.
Kelly is also a lawyer. Apparently, she got her start at Fox News after Brit Hume saw her audition tape.
That Bethlehem High School 1988 yearbook photo above is via the Times Union. Daniel Nester recently found a few other yearbook mentions of Kelly.
[via NY Mag via TV Newswer]
GQ photo: Alexei Hay via TV Newser
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You know, I don't feel too bad about letting that GQ subscription expire a couple years ago...
... said B on Nov 22, 2010 at 1:42 PM | link
"The dayside anchor doesn’t apologize for being both intelligent and beautiful."
As long as she doesn't apologize for being modest...
... said -S on Nov 22, 2010 at 3:14 PM | link
Sorry B and -S but I'm calling B.-S. on this one. No matter your political point of view, which I'm guessing for both of you is left/ far left, she is educated and very attractive. Also, if you subscribe to a magazine to tell you how to dress and act, your problems are worse than most things being said on Fox News.
Let's all take the stance that this is a matter of being proud of someone from the Albany area who made it out and somewhat "big".
... said Save Pine Hills on Nov 22, 2010 at 4:59 PM | link
Sorry Save Pine Hills, but I'm calling BS. Just because someone local made it big doesn't mean we have an obligation to be proud. She uses sex appeal to advance a contrived narrative. Sorry, but I'm not about to hang my hat on that one.
... said Mrs. M on Nov 22, 2010 at 5:42 PM | link
Lots of people become "Big" for reasons that are less then fortuitous for others. So she's become a mouthpiece for a right wing partisan propaganda network that shills for corporate interests. That's nothing to be proud of.
... said Skeptical Albanian on Nov 22, 2010 at 6:24 PM | link
Geez, Save Pine Hills--take any stance you want but please don't tell us what stance we should all take. Esp if your stance sees Albany as a place to be proud that someone "made it out" of.
... said KM on Nov 22, 2010 at 10:29 PM | link
I was just going to say that she looks pretty good for someone who's 40. But apparently this is a heated debate about politics and sex. (Why does everything have to be a heated debate? Chill out people.)
... said ethan on Nov 23, 2010 at 9:14 AM | link
I wanna know which came first---her, or Avery from 30 Rock....
... said Lucy on Nov 23, 2010 at 10:27 AM | link
HAha. Someone needs to save pine hills from Save Pine Hills.
... said L on Nov 23, 2010 at 10:50 AM | link
@Ethan. Malarkey! Shenanigan balderdash poppycock! She looks horrible and you sir have awful taste. That fake haired fake boobed charlatan is nothing but a hideous tarted jezebel. Shame on you for finding her attractive, shame on you!!!!
... said @Ethan on Nov 23, 2010 at 11:16 AM | link
that last post was not from @Ethan but me. Sorry, I got so angry I couldn't even write right.
... said Jackers on Nov 23, 2010 at 11:17 AM | link
I'm digging the 1988 hair - she should have kept that style - it would appeal to many FOX news viewers.
... said Barold on Nov 23, 2010 at 11:49 AM | link
> Sorry B and -S but I'm calling B.-S. on this one.
Love it!
> I'm guessing for both of you is left/ far left,
Pshhh, I'm a socialist.
... said -S on Nov 23, 2010 at 12:03 PM | link
Hey everyone, just a gentle reminder to refrain from personal attacks and whatnot. We'd hate to have to go all Bill O'Reilly.
... said Greg on Nov 23, 2010 at 12:35 PM | link
Are satirical personal attacks permitted?
... said Jackers on Nov 23, 2010 at 12:44 PM | link
Save Pine Hills, I'm sorry, you read too much into my comment.
Or maybe that should be: Save Pine Hills, I'm sorry you read too much into my comment.
In any case, I'm glad we have such a wide spectrum here, from -S's professed socialism to your obvious facism ("everyone do what I say"). This holiday season, I'm thankful for our diversity of opinion.
... said B on Nov 23, 2010 at 12:50 PM | link
Yikes looks like I'm the only AllOverAlbany guy who's attracted to attractive blondes (Well, sorta blondes). The point of the article is that she's 40, hot and on TV. I smell some jealousy from the 40 and over, left leaning Daily Show crowd...
... said Save Pine Hills on Nov 23, 2010 at 1:13 PM | link
c'mon...poltibaiting is soooo 2010.
... said jandro on Nov 27, 2010 at 8:54 PM | link
I'm guessing that crystal clear skin is from all the scrubbing she has to do at night to wash off the evil of her day job. And from her answers in that interview, I have a feeling that if MSNBC offered her a big payday, she'd be over there talking about how conservatives eat babies.
Also props to GQ for asking some tough questions in what is essentially one of those ooh look at the hot chick puff pieces.
... said Mark Anderson on Nov 28, 2010 at 4:26 AM | link
Implants...not attractive
... said Doo Bee on Nov 28, 2010 at 6:20 PM | link
Seriously she's hot. If you're going to go with the fake is not hot thing, then there are no hot Hollywood women and no hot left leaning women. By the way it's OK to be gay, but I believe this was meant to appeal to heterosexual men.
One last thing, most of the country does not buy the liberal BS and we made that very clear this year. If you want to get political, left wing fraud filled lying, elitist hate-filled BS by losers is out and Conservative sexy and successful is back in.
... said Draygin on Dec 3, 2010 at 12:01 AM | link
Of course, the picture on the left isn't airbrushed.
... said MC on Dec 4, 2010 at 10:37 AM | link
Ah so what. She had a little work done and she spells her name funny.
... said Cyril on Apr 28, 2014 at 9:23 AM | link
I'm always cheerfully distracted from the nonsense she's "reporting" by her glossiest of glossy lip gloss.'s sooooo glossy...
... said Rebecca on Apr 28, 2014 at 11:09 AM | link