Don't Ask Don't Tell as Kirsten Gillibrand's signature issue
KG speaking in the Senate before the DADT vote
Steve Kornacki writing today at Capital New York about how the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell has become Kirsten Gillibrand's "signature issue":
... It is impossible to overstate how perfectly the issue addressed all of her political imperatives. Since her appointment, Gillibrand had been pleading with gay-rights leaders to consider her an ally; this was her chance to prove that she really was. It also promised to boost her overall image with liberal primary voters and her reputation with high-end Democratic donors around New York City, among whom DADT repeal, and gay rights in general, was particularly important. Plus, with Democrats running the White House and Congress for the first time since '94, the stakes were real; this wouldn't be an exercise in symbolism. There was also minimal chance of general-election blowback, with swing voters, especially in blue states like New York, increasingly ready for DADT to go.
... after two years in the Senate, DADT has become Gillibrand's signature issue. Job security may have been her primary motive, but the repeal fight also helped Gillibrand establish her own political identity in the Senate and with New Yorkers, and to develop her own voice.
Kornacki notes that DADT probably would have been repealed without KG's efforts, but "all of her efforts helped ensure Saturday's result." The whole piece is worth reading -- it puts KG's Senate career in context.
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Doesn't hurt to be right on a justice issue at the moment its opponents have permanently lost their cover. Pretty gratifying times for veterans like me who admire the U.S. Military as the most successful liberal institution the world has seen.
As a straight guy, though, I'm maybe more pleased with the photograph in Komacki's piece where David Patterson cops a feel.
... said Lou Quillio on Dec 20, 2010 at 9:22 PM | link
THIS is her signature issue? It shows how out of touch our two Senators are when they chase PC issues rather than face the exodus of businesses from this state due to astronomical taxes.
... said James on Dec 21, 2010 at 5:51 PM | link
THIS is her signature issue?
Take a breath. Take another. "Signature issue" is a figure of speech. The topic is "How's Kristen Gillibrand exercising her role as senator right now." Pretty sure she didn't get a Guns 'n Homos tattoo, nor choose the one note she'll sing in congress.
And justice ain't PC, it's justice.
... said Lou Quillio on Dec 22, 2010 at 12:31 AM | link
"THIS is her signature issue?"
I know, civil rights? Since when was that ever a platform?
... said B on Dec 22, 2010 at 9:41 AM | link
KG is one of the most refreshing things to happen to NY in a long time. Did anyone else hear her interview on WAMC with Allan Chartok? It made me think that Kristen would stand a much better chance becoming the first woman president than Hilary.
... said Jessica R on Dec 22, 2010 at 10:19 AM | link