Quiz: snow giants, quail, donuts, cocaine underwear
Books away! This is a pop quiz!
We thought it'd be fun to put together a weekly quiz based on stories from the past week. So, there are questions about giant snowmen, tiny quail, delicious donuts, The Price is Right, and underwear modification.
And you don't even need a No. 2 pencil...
If you can't see the quiz embedded above, try taking it directly.
If this does end up being fun, we might try it again.
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This was awesome/fun! I got a 70, but I contest getting a wrong answer:
Q.3) Dr. Tom Little, from Bethlehem, was honored Tuesday with what award?
Medal of Freedom(your answer)
Possible correct answers:
the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Presidential Medal of Freedom
booo. Self prescribed 80%.
... said Marcie on Feb 18, 2011 at 1:01 PM | link
First time I'd ever saw Schaghticoke on a multiple choice test since Hoosic Valley.
... said Jeff S on Feb 18, 2011 at 1:05 PM | link
@Marcie. Fair enough. I should have made that a possible answer. Consider your score in the AOA gradebook amended. :)
... said Akum on Feb 18, 2011 at 5:24 PM | link
@Jeff. You know, I included that solely because it'd been too long since I'd had the chance to spell Schaghticoke.
... said Akum on Feb 18, 2011 at 5:26 PM | link