Details on the new GloFo building planned for Malta, legislation would freeze charter school funding in Albany, not just another clown

Details on the office building that GlobalFoundries announced late last week that it's building at the site of the chip fab in Malta: 450 jobs (maybe 1,500 eventually), the building will be the size of three Walmart supercenters, construction cost is in the $20-$30 million range, completion in summer 2012. GloFo says construction on the fab building itself is about 75 percent complete -- chip manufacturing is expected to start in 2013. After touring the site yesterday, the scale of the project left Chuck Schumer in a very unusual state: almost speechless. [Post-Star] [Daily Gazette] [Post-Star] [Saratogian] [YNN] [Fox23] [WNYT] [TU]

State workforce contracts with CSEA and PEF end April 1, but the Cuomo the administration has yet to open formal negotiations with the unions -- and with the admin looking for $450 million in workforce savings, union leaders are reportedly getting "antsy." [TU]

Chris Gibson voted for the federal budget amendment that cuts off funding to Planned Parenthood. Said a Gibson spokesperson: the "Congressman voted in support of the Pence amendment because he believes that no taxpayer funds should be used to perform abortions." [Saratogian] [NYT] [WNYT]

State legislation sponsored by Neil Breslin and Jack McEneny would freeze reimbursement levels for charter schools in the city of Albany at 2008-2009 school year levels (the Albany district is currently withholding funding beyond that level from the charters). The Brighter Choice foundation, which backs the city's charter schools, says the schools are legally entitled to the funding. [TU] [WNYT]

The Albany fire department says one person died in a large fire on Grand Street last night (photos)(map). Three other residents were injured -- two of them jumped from an upper floor to escape. [YNN] [Mr. Slow Loris] [Troy Record] [TU]

The Albany police department has started an investigation related to the photos the Times Union turned up of APD officers drinking in uniform at a party. The head of the police officers' union says the officers were off duty or relieved, and the photos were "stolen." [TU] [CBS6]

Matthew J. Ryan, the Troy businessman accused of running a Ponzi scheme, is expected to plead guilty today to felony charges. [Troy Record]

Saratoga officials were happy to see the federal government block the planned casino project in the Catskills. [Saratogian]

A second Shen school district student has been diagnosed with an MRSA infection. The district says the students are not related and it doesn't know where the students -- a middle schooler and a high schooler -- contracted the infection. The district is on break this week and it says the schools will be cleaned. [Shen] [TU] [Daily Gazette] [Fox23]

Niskayuna is lowering the fluoride level in its drinking water. [TU]

Scotia police say two men tied up an employee at the Glen Sanders Mansion last night and stole a safe. [YNN]

Troy police say the nabbed a guy who allegedly stole roast beef from the Price Chopper in Menands and then fled in a car across the river. [WTEN]

A Clifton Park woman has been named "Clown of the Year" by a national clowning org. [TU]

One of the ideas floated for the soon-to-be-vacant Saratoga Borders building: a potato chip museum. [Marv Cermak]


Chuck's site is down before he gets his drink on (before noon on a Tuesday no less)

Federal taxpayer dollars are not and have never been used for abortions, and the representatives know this. What they will be doing is effectively eliminating preventative services, such as cancer screenings, STI testing and treatment, and safe birth control from the people who need it most: the uninsured and underserved. The effect this would have on women all over the country would be disastrous.

So...shorter Gibson: "I don't know what I'm talking about or how to do my job. Thanks for electing me!" Or...what Summer said.

There's a rally in NYC for planned parenthood on Saturday with a $10 round trip bus leaving from Central Ave.

My whole family's going and hopefully some other people will too. This is as good a place as any to draw the line.

@ajw93: I'm pretty sure they know, they just think their constituents are stupid. They don't care anyway- they're going against popular opinion. The opposition is just trying to "stick it" to the PP organization, despite the fact that abortions occur at secular hospitals and other medical offices all over the country. Why? Because PP are advocates.

When is the rally in Albany going to be? I will be there!

@Phil, there already was a rally in Albany recently, but I'm pretty sure there will be more opportunities for you to lend your voice to the issue. In the meantime, there's an online petition you can fill out that will be sent to the house of representatives:

I feel like reproductive rights activists have let themselves get cornered into this "pro-choice" camp where we say, hey, abortions suck but people should have the option of getting one.

I want to see more pro-abortion people - abortions are great. They are. They're convenient, easy, surprisingly safe (certainly safer than childbirth,) and a brief perusal of the anthropological evidence suggests that they're ubiquitous throughout human society.

By retreating to the pro-choice standpoint, all we're doing is acknowledging the primacy of the argument that abortions are terrible and I just don't agree with that argument.

Anyone care to mention the footage of PP workers advising undercover reporters on how to get abortions for underage sex workers? Lets not, and we'll keep sending them tax dollars...we have such a surplus on every level of goverment.

Preventative care actually saves taxpayer dollars. But lets all focus on the 10% that are looking for abortions, not the other 90% who are looking for preventative care.

I'm sorry nyny55, are you saying that getting abortions for undercover sex workers is a bad thing?

We do have a surplus on every level of government, and more than enough resources to meet the needs of every man, woman, and child on this glorious throbbing ecstatic planet. What we don't have is the arbitrary tokens that the made up board game of the economy demands we get access to in order to take advantage of those resources.

nyny55, please consider the possibility that Fox News is lying to you in order to frighten you enough to allow vicious and cynical men of power to take advantage of your gullibility and strip you of every right that you feel entitled to.

It makes sense to blame an entire organization for the actions of one counter girl...that one time KFC gave me the trots, I drove to their headquarters and punched the CEO in the face.

RE: mr slow loris
Yes I have a problem with a tax funded organization helping UNDERAGE (maybe you did not fully read my post and or are unaware of the story) sex workers get abortions. As far as your other comments there is no tax surplus, that is a fact and as far as supplying everyone in the world I did not know that burden was on tax payers in the USA (even though our government and individuals are very generous, sometimes to a fault). Fox News lying? I assume PP not protesting the validity of the story shoots that theory down. I wish you good luck loris, living in whatever world you seem to be occupying.

Because it's relevant, I'll post this link to a segment from last night's Daily Show. I feel I couldn't have said it better myself.

That being done, I'm finished with this discussion, as a bias is difficult to change, and I would like to think of AOA as a happy, shiny place.

I didn't say anything about a tax surplus, nyny55, I was talking about natural resources. It's cute you think money's so important though.

Do you think it's unethical to provide reproductive services for sex workers that are underage? Under what age? Why do you think it's unethical? I understand it may be illegal, but that's not relevant to, you know, reality unless you think Earth is here for the good of humans and Americans. Do you think Earth is here for the good of humans and Americans?

Fox News is really, really bad, but I wouldn't want to aggravate your confirmation bias and overload you with cognitive dissonance.

What are you so scared of, nyny55?

I wish people would research the legalities of an issue before forming an opinion. Whether its right or not, well, that's up to the individual.

Ok, now I'm done!

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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