Sandra Lee in Vogue

Sandra Lee in VogueSandra Lee is featured in the latest issue of Vogue. The story, "Sandra Lee: The Woman in White," touches on her painful childhood, her relationship with Andrew Cuomo and her rise to Food Network fame.

Some not-so-well-known facts that come out in the story: She's street savvy (when Sandra and the writer, Gully Wells, were walking in New York City she pulls Wells from some fast-moving cabs); she lived with her grandmother for her first four years and then was taken back by her mother and father, who both abused her; and she loves the color white. A lot.

From the story:

A creamy carpet covers the entire floor, a family of decorative polar bears frolics on the sideboard in artificial snow, an enormous silver tiger reclines on a mother-of-pearl coffee table, and in the fireplace are -- what else? -- white birch logs that are clearly never going to see a match.

But other than the white obsession, she seems pretty normal. She even ordered "eggs and bacon with a side of granola" for breakfast during the interview. (Though it did seem to be a bit of a "documented instance of public eating.")

Earlier on AOA:
+ Yes, usher in the golden age of semi-homemade dinner parties
+ It uses tomato soup, too
+ New York's next First Lady-friend?

photo: Vogue


She should have ordered The Machine.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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