Weekly quiz results
Congrats to Anne C, the winner of last week's quiz prize (a gift certificate to the Book House at Stuyvesant Plaza). Her name was drawn at random from the pool of high scorers (10 out of 10 this week).
The question answered correctly most often (tie): "In a recent Siena poll, 40 percent of New Yorkers said what?" | "The giant sandwich at McIntyres Pub shares a name with which mountain?" (85 percent)
The question answered correctly least often: "L'esperance Tile Works makes a set of tiles based on New York state fossils. What provided the artist with inspiration for the images?" (37 percent)
This past week's quiz was a bit harder -- the average score was down to 68.
If you missed the quiz on Friday, you can still take it. There's a question about Zambonis.
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Wooo! The new kid won!
... said Anne C. on Mar 15, 2011 at 12:44 PM | link