Tweets from AOA Birthday Party 3

Thanks to Laura for making such fun buttons!
We had a really great time last night at AOA's third birthday party at The Point. Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us!
We've said this a few times before, and it's still true: the thing we appreciate most about working on AOA is the people. We're so lucky to have been able to meet all of you.
After the jump: a bunch of tweets and pics and links from last night's party. We'll have more party photos tomorrow.
Say Something!
We'd really like you to take part in the conversation here at All Over Albany. But we do have a few rules here. Don't worry, they're easy. The first: be kind. The second: treat everyone else with the same respect you'd like to see in return. Cool? Great, post away. Comments are moderated so it might take a little while for your comment to show up. Thanks for being patient.
I had an amazing time meeting many of the people who are part of the community AoA has built. I hope that my presence didn't seriously make people violently ill like I heard.
Here's to a great fourth year!!
... said derryX on Mar 24, 2011 at 5:42 PM | link sorry I missed the night of delish food and interesting AOA folks...(busy at work--I'm sad I missed the chance to hone my cheese palate!)
... said Rebecca on Mar 24, 2011 at 9:25 PM | link
I was pleasantly surprised to not see people glued to their smartphones the entire time, tweeing about an experience they were only tangentially living.
So gald to say hi and chat with those I did; a little sad that I didn't get to do the same with everyone. I too missed the nametags! It was also fun to feel like a celebrity with multiple cameras going off all night. Can't wait to see the photos -- or more specifically, the efficacy of my photobomb attempts.
... said B on Mar 25, 2011 at 12:05 AM | link
Was sad my comments did not make the first cut!
I throughly enjoyed meeting everyone at your wonderful 3rd birthday party!
Shout out to wonderful Mary, nice fellow, pretty long haired gal!
My gent friend sure missed a great bash.
Sis loved the crab cakes! I loved the Sliders,and heavenly cupcakes! Who made those, anyway, were they butter cream?
Many more happy years to you all. La chaim to AOA!
... said mg on Mar 25, 2011 at 8:53 AM | link
We had a fantastic time on Wed night - thanks so much for including your community of readers in your celebration!
... said kert on Mar 25, 2011 at 1:43 PM | link
Will there still be an additional picture post? I'm interested to see what the multiple photographers captured!
... said Jessica R on Mar 28, 2011 at 3:33 PM | link