Albany Ultimate 2011
Albany Ultimate will be starting up soon for the summer season. Emails Jeremy, the president of the club: "We are always looking for new members; from experienced players to brand new players who have never touched a disc." Quick descriptions and info of the club's leagues are after the jump.
The club plays at a handful of sites around the Capital Region. We usually spot them playing at Collins Circle on the UAlbany campus.
Blurbage via Albany Ultimate:
Social: Co-ed league for both beginners and experienced players. Ideal environment for learning the basics or developing skills. This league has a large focus on having a great time and the season features several fun mini-tournaments during the season. There is a season ending tournament and party on August 13th including food and awards. Tuesdays 6:00 - 8:30pm from May 31st - August 13th. Registration is $30 and includes a jersey in your teams color.
Competitive: Co-ed league for players with previous organized ultimate experience. This league is more focused on higher level ultimate. There is a season ending tournament and party on August 13th including food and awards. Mondays and Thursdays 6:00 †8:30pm from May 31st - August 13th. Registration is $40 and includes a jersey in your teams color.
Women's: Women's only league for both beginners and experienced players including several skills clinics throughout the season. For women, this is the most fun you can find. Games include a small social gathering on the fields after play with potluck food organized on a rotating basis. Wednesdays 6:00 †8:30pm from June 22nd - August 10th. Registration is $20 and includes a jersey in your teams
photo: photo via Peter A
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