A good tree removal service?

tree service guy in treeMiriam emails:

I'd love to find out if your readers have dealt with a tree removal service they felt did a good job for the right price. We have a half dead tree in our front lawn that's going to come down one way or another.

A few years back, we were happy with the service we got from a company out of Schenectady called TreeCo. They worked remarkably fast (while hanging from a tree, using a chain saw), cleaned up nicely, and all for what seemed like a fair price.

TreeCo doesn't appear to have a website.* Its number is 356-4177.

One thing to note: not all tree services offer stump grinding. Be sure to ask about it if you want the stump taken out, too.

We're guessing there are at least a handful of other local tree service options. Know of a good one? Please share!

* Small businesses of the Capital Region: please get a website -- even just a single page with your contact info. It will help everyone, most importantly you.


Always get at least two quotes.

I'd suggest getting one from Constable Tree Service (518-470-9310). Mike Constable is friendly, reasonable, experienced and reliable.

I had a medium sized tree taken down last year - stump ground down too. I got 4 estimates - 2 bigger companies and 2 smaller, Pennysaver-type people. The prices ranged over $400 among the 4...so, yes...get 2 quotes, at least.

I went with Davey (a bigger company), which ironically was the cheapest of the 4. They did a great job and terrific cleanup.

I called Bernie, with Twin Swan (399-1572). He quoted a reasonable $400 to take down a tall pine in our back yard and another $100 to grind out the stump. Granted the tree isn't hanging over my house, it's a straight up and down, and it's simple to get to, so your quote may differ. Note: I have yet to schedule the event. So I don't know what I'll get for the money.

PS Bernie was NOT willing to accept pancakes as payment. Some lumberjack he is...

You folks must have tapped my phone. Our entire neighborhood had trees planted around the same time... and now they are all dying on the same schedule.

We've heard good things about about Bernie and Davey. Also Henry of Henry Montgomery Tree Removal (456-2494).

I've used Jim Haslam of Haslam Tree Service several times. He does a great job and his prices are reasonable.


We recently used Anjoe Tree Service to remove a large (15" diameter/30' long) limb that fell into the yard/pool. They were careful not to cause additional property damage, and left not a wood chip in sight. A bit pricey, but the quality was there.

Definitely call around! My recent quotes ranged from $675 to $1500!! That being said, also be sure to ask lots of questions about what you'll be left with. While I went with the cheapest, the most expensive might have done a better job clearing out the stump and not leaving me with a huge hole to repair!

Driving Route 2 in Latham my wife and I would always go by Thee Tree Service. We would immediately talk in Old English and my 5 year old would look at us funny...

I can suggest Allmark Tree Service:


They trimmed a ridiculous red maple in our front yard that the previous owners didn't tend to after the ice storm a couple years ago. It was in pretty bad shape. They did a quick, professional job and didn't hose us on the price either.

I would definitely use these dudes again.

Onderdonk's Tree care is a great service and he is one of the few certified master arborists around....(518) 732-4233

Nice to see this thread with suggestions. On a related note - what kinds of questions should you ask? Are these outfits insured in case they cause damage to your or your neighbor's property during the job? Or is the right term bonded? Have never hired a tree removal service and don't know what I need to ask about. Thanks for any tips.

Thank you AOA for keeping these archives online!

We had a very large limb fall off of a tree yesterday, and by "very large" I mean that the limb itself was the size of a fully mature tree...it was HUGE. We called several of these companies and were able to get TreeCo out to the house for a quote and into the yard this morning to remove the limb. Because we needed to get it removed soon (it was still dangling) we didn't have time to shop around, but Ray at TreeCo charged us $500 (plus tax) to take the limb down and completely haul it away. Considering they did all of this in about an 18-hour time period and kept my beautiful vinyl fence intact, I'm super pleased. (Additionally, I called the other companies and only got a call back from one, who scheduled me for the earliest time, two weeks away.)

Thanks TreeCo and AOA!

If you are looking for a great tree removal company, I suggest C&D Stump & Tree removal. We had a twisted willow split in half and come down covering a good part of the driveway. It was going to be way too heavy for us to get off the drive way and my son was out of town. We found Dave Boisclair on line under "affordable tree removal" we gave him a call and he came over within an hour. His crew got that tree out of there and cleaned up the mess as well as ground the stump down until there was nothing left. I hope I don't need them again, bur I would definitely call C&D Stump & Tree Removal.

Last summer my mom hired a guy named George golby to prune her pine tree. I'm trying to get ahold of him to see about an estimate to cut a tree but can't find him in phone book or online. Anyone know of a golby tree cutting service in Albany?

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