A tour of North Central

Uptown Troy.
Check it out: the Kunstlercast -- the podcast with James Howard Kunstler and Duncan Crary -- featured a walking tour of Troy's North Central neighborhood last week. From the description:
In this enhanced podcast, JHK & Duncan explore North Central Troy, NY with Billie-Jean Greene, a KunstlerCast listener who recently purchased a home in this area. This once wealthy neighborhood on the Hudson River has suffered from urban blight for many years. But a group of neighbors, known as The Uptown Initiative, are committed to helping turn their neighborhood around. Billie-Jean leads this tour and introduces us to some of the neighborhood residents, including a bed & breakfast owner, another homeowner, and some urban chickens named Ruby and June. Also along the route is a Hells Angels clubhouse.
Accompanying the podcast is an interesting photoset by Neil Grabowsky of Through the Lens Studios. It peeks into homes and includes some great detail.
Duncan's matched the audio up with the photos so you can listen/watch them together.
A few of Neil's photos are after the jump, but take a moment and check out the whole set.
photos: Neil Grabowsky
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An interview w/ some of my favorite neighbors in North Central.
... said Kim M on May 10, 2011 at 6:25 PM | link
I just got into the Kunstlercast recently, its really worth a listen, even if you dont agree with Kunstler on everything (and you probably wont).
... said BBnet3000 on May 11, 2011 at 1:45 AM | link
I love the photos. Whoever took these is a great photographer! Well done.
... said Kevin G on May 11, 2011 at 10:37 AM | link
Great episode of the Kunstlercast. I hope they can do more neighborhood tours.
... said Ryan on May 11, 2011 at 5:19 PM | link