The week ahead

Back to the grind.
Here are a few things to keep in mind, look ahead to, or take care of this week -- from the weather (damp and repetitive), to Chaplin, to Pakistan, to music...
Here's the paraphrased forecast:
Monday: Cloudy. Rainy. Highs in the mid-60s.
Tuesday: Repeat.
Wednesday: The same -- but a touch warmer, and with a chance of thunderstorms.
Thursday: Repeat.
Friday: Repeat.
Weekend: Warmer -- highs around 70s. Maybe the rain will stop.
The votes for school budgets and library budgets are this Tuesday. Your polling place may not be the same place you normally vote. Check with your school district (example: where to vote in the Albany school district).
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."
The Palace is showing The Godfather Part II Monday night as part of its classic movies series. 7 pm - $5
A Charlie Chaplin retrospective is running this week at Proctors. Among the films on the slate: City Lights, Limelight, and Modern Times. all shows $6
So Right, So Smart
The Linda will be screening So Right, So Smart, a documentary about businesses that have found success by embracing sustainability, Thursday night. It was directed by local filmmaker Justin Maine. (AOA talked with Maine a few years back.) He'll be there Thursday night to talk about the film. 7 pm - $6
Discount night
Given the weather expected this week, a trip to the regular cinema may be in order. Tuesday is discount night at The Spectrum -- tickets are $7.50. And there are a handful of well-regarded movies running now: Bridesmaids, Jane Eyre, Hanna.
Arts and Sciences
+ Tariq Ali, a Pakistani intellectual and columnist for The Guardian, will be giving a talk Monday night at Union College about what's been going on in Pakistan lately (we're guessing there's a good chance the topic of Osama Bin Laden will come up). He'll also be discussing "the ongoing wars for control of oil and resources." 7 pm - free
+ Actress Vickie Tanner will be telling the "remarkable and unlikely story" of her life growing up in Compton, California as part of her one-woman show Running Into Me, Monday at Union College. 7 pm - free (though it looks you may need to call ahead for a ticket)
American Music Festival
The Albany Symphony Orchestra's American Music Festival is at EMPAC's concert hall Thursday - Sunday. It starts Thursday night the ASO's Dogs of Desire -- a "genre-busting new music chamber ensemble" -- performing a concert that spans African percussion to klezmer. 7:30 pm - $20
+ Monday at the Troy Bike Rescue: one-man band Jason Webley playing "a suave style of gypsy/folk music" -- plus Ashley Pond, and The Nightmare River Band. 8 pm - $5-$10 suggested donation
+ Dan Johnson's Americana Club at Valentine's has guests Jim Gaudet and the Railroad Boys this Tuesday. 8 pm
+ Friday happy hour at Valentine's: Hot Cousin. We hear they'll be playing a set of 80s music. 6 pm
+ Friday night at Valentine's: alt-country band Two Cow Garage. 9 pm - $8
+ Saturday night at Proctors: John Brodeur is back in town touring for his new-again album Tiger Pop Ten -- it's newly recorded version of his 2001 album Tiger Pop. Also up: Tom McWatters and the Philo Beddoe Band. 7:30 pm - $10 ahead / $12 at the door
+ Severe Severe has a new album, and they're playing this Saturday at Red Square. Also up: Alta Mira, Filmstrip, Company. 8 pm - $8
+ There's a Caffe Lena benefit celebrating the 70th birthday of Bob Dylan Saturday at Skidmore. A bunch of musicians from around the region will be playing Dylan songs. 8 pm - $25
+ Saturday at Valentine's: The Cast Before The Break. Also up: The Lucky Jukebox Brigade, Titanics, Evazan. 7 pm - $10
These are a just a few things for this week. Know of something people should be looking forward to this week? Please share!
Look for our "Stuff to do this weekend" post on Friday.
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?