Same-sex marriage bill stuck in Senate, GloFo bumps CEO, keghead sentenced to jail, yearbook photo girl debuts song, too many cats

The Marriage Equality Act is currently stuck in the state Senate as the Republican majority has yet to decide if/when the bill should come up for a vote. It seems one of the main sticking points is still exemptions for religious orgs that don't want to participate in same-sex marriage. Andrew Cuomo met with three Republican Senators yesterday, possibly about that topic. There appear to be two or three potential swing votes. Mike Bloomberg met with the Republican conference yesterday and afterward said he thinks the bill will pass if it comes to the floor. [TU] [State of Politics] [NYT] [AP/Troy Record] [NY Post] [NYDN]

Not making things any easier: the NYC rent control issue is holding up pretty much everything else. [TU]

Saratoga Springs' public safety commissioner says the investigation into the police chief sexting situation is continuing. The attorney who had been representing Laurie Masi, the woman who's accused Christopher Cole of sending her unwanted texts, is no longer her attorney after "We just decided the best thing to do was go our separate ways." [Post-Star] [Daily Gazette]

GlobalFoundries bumped its CEO, named an iterim, and is looking for a new one. The company says it's still committed to the Luther Forest chip fab. [TU] [Daily Gazette]

The state legislature has approved a bill that would require DNA samples to be collected from every person convicted of a misdemeanor. [AP/Troy Record]

The man accused of offering $500 and a pressure washer to an undercover detective to stab his pregnant ex-girlfriend in order to abort her pregnancy has pleaded guilty. The man is also forfeiting the $500 and the pressure washer. [Daily Gazette] [TU]

A Saratoga County judge has ruled that Jeffrey Hampshire is not a persistent felon. Hampshire was facing a life sentence after he was convicted of tampering with evidence from the hit-and-run that killed Ryan Rossley in downtown Saratoga -- he had already been convicted of two previous felonies. [Post-Star] [TU] [Saratogian]

One of the kegheads has been sentenced to two months in jail. [YNN]

The yellow teeth Saratoga yearbook girl was on Fly 92 yesterday morning talking about the situation -- and debuting her single. She said the person responsible for photo mishap "shouldn't be able to walk across the stage." Both station and the student's father say the photo is not a publicity ploy. [Saratogian] [Fox23] [Post-Star]

The first person to be arrested under Albany County's new cyber bullying law is a 16-year-old from Cohoes accused of starting a Facebook page with photos of students from Cohoes High School with sexual comments. [TU] [Troy Record]

New York City says it will begin a $350 million rebuild of the Gilboa Dam in Schoharie County -- the dam holds drinking water for the city and its failure would threaten Schenectady. [TU]

A Waterford attorney has pleaded guilty to stealing $428k in a complicated mortgage fraud scheme. [TU]

Lead of the day by the TU's Paul Nelson in a story about a woman suing Schenectady after she tripped over a broken parking meter: "In the end, Alice Stride's own words tripped her up." [TU]

The proposed Bombers franchise is Troy got an enthusiastic OK from the city's planning board. [Troy Record]

A Troy startup is focused on building entertainment apps for phones and tablets. [TU]

Local animal shelters say they're filling up with cats and adoptions slow. [Daily Gazette]


Every person convicted of a misdemeanor?

Jesus, why not just every person who applies for a license?

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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