My Exit: Rob Madeo

Rob Madeo my exit.jpg

Tonight's My Exit DJ -- Rockin' Rob Madeo

WEXT's My Exit is back. Every Monday night local listeners get to come into the station and program an hour of music. We thought it'd be fun to find out a little bit about these people and why they picked the songs on their play list.

This week, an AOA Soapbox regular shares work by some of his favorite women in music.

Rob Madeo, Glenmont.

I was a DJ at my college radio station between 1979 and 1983, the tail end of the punk years and a great time for music. It's probably better that I never pursued a career in radio, because I would have found that most stations, unlike WEXT, force their DJs to play crap. My show has a theme, Women Who Rock. An hour isn't enough time to do the subject justice, but I'll try.

"Portland, Oregon" - Loretta Lynn
Not somebody who you think of as a rocker, but her duet with Jack White, Portland Oregon hits it pretty hard. Its weird, drunken May-December vibe makes it strangely sexy.

"Witchy Poo" - Heartless Bastards
Lead singer and guitarist Erika Wennerstrom has a voice like a pack of Marlboros soaked in Jack Daniels -- and then dipped in maple syrup.

"Saints" - The Breeders
There are three women who rock in this song, identical twins Kim and Kelley Deal, and bassist Josephine Wiggs (token male, Jim MacPherson, played drums). The Deal sisters just turned 50; Kim still plays with The Pixies. Kelley is big into knitting.

"Till Victory"- Patti Smith
A wonderful anthem that would be perfect for storming the gates or something. In the future, the gate stormers will be wearing earbuds.

"Me and Bobby McGee" - Janis Joplin
Can you really do a show called Women Who Rock without Janis Joplin? Of course not. This song was recorded just a few days before she died in 1970.

You can hear Rob's My Exit show tonight at 8 on 97.7 or at

Here's how to schedule your own My Exit show on WEXT.


Egads -- how can "Saints" be 18 years old at this point?

Still one of my all-time favorite songs -- it is the auditory equivalent of a lightning bug in a jar. Pure summer.

Can't wait!

Can you really do a show called Women Who Rock without Neko Case?

fixed it for ya, Bob

if all goes well here maybe, just maybe, Paul Vandenburgh will hire you !!!!!

Miles: Neko Case is in there! I played Mood to Burn Bridges. That's just a partial playlist; here's the whole thing:

Mike: I'd spend my first show playing every f-bomb song I could think of and go out in a blaze of glory.

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