So long, Wild Windy Bill

Wild Windy Bill McKay, the longtime marshall at the Ghost Town at Storytown/The Great Escape in Lake George, passed away recently. Chuck has a remembrance of McKay, along with photos. [CBS6] [Chuck Miller]


Windy Bill had a way with kids that was very special. When he spoke to the kids they listened and believed. Children also knew he earnestly listened and believed in them as well. He truly knew that every child possessed something very special and dear;
The simple gift of being a child.

He had earned their unconditional trust, that he would always understand what it meant to be a kid ; the wonder of it all and the ability to believe in the magic of imagination that blesses those special years. He not only understood this ,he celebrated it all of his life.

As the Marshall of Ghost Town at Storytown USA, he made so many kid’s childhood dreams of being a real live cowboy come to life. He kept that dream alive for so many kids for so many years.

He became the guardian of that special world, keeping it safe and protected making sure no one would ever steal it away just like the bad guys tried to steal the payroll five times a day, seven days a week. Windy would swear in his Junior Deputies and make them promise to uphold all the important lessons in life: To share, to be a good friend, to be a good neighbor for those in need, to always be careful when crossing a street, to eat all your vegetables and always listen to Mommy and Daddy. In a way, you also took a vow to always remember those special days of childhood and to keep them safe within your heart.

As an adult you knew you could always return to that special place and it would be there waiting for you and your own children just as you remembered it. He became the guardian of so many of our childhood memories. The memories of a simpler time and place when we were once kids.

We all have our own special memories of our family visits to Storytown and being deputized by Marshal Windy Bill McKay .He always made you feel that he also remembered you as well . You couldn’t help but feel like a kid again in the reflection of his presence .

Jesus said “ Let the Children come to me and do not hinder them ,for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these .” Mathew 19:14

Windy knew and understood these words and kept the gift of being a child in his heart.
All his life Children loved Windy and Windy loved them right back.

Rest in Peace Windy

Yours Truly, Rosco
former colleague at Storytown 1975-2000

Great words for a Great Man!

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