MoHu Fest
A bunch of local cultural orgs today announced a new multi-day event coming up this fall: MoHu Fest. That would be Mo, as in Mohawk, and Hu, as in Hudson, and Fest, as in fest, as in festival. It runs October
8-15 8-16.
From the blurbage:
Several hundred events, from performances to exhibitions, gallery openings and lectures, will offer MoHu attendees a wide array of experiences. Spectacular opening and closing ceremonies will make MoHu the cultural event of 2011. MoHu should draw tens of thousands of attendees to its mix of regularly scheduled events, specially produced performances and random acts of culture.
Among the "nearly 150" orgs involved: Proctors, The Egg, EMPAC, the Arts Center of the Capital Region, Troy Music Hall, St. Rose, and Sage. And from that list, you can guess the type of events: theater, art exhibitions, film, dance. And bubbles.
Organizers of the festival are touting the event as a way to "foster collaboration and cooperation between the area's thriving arts communities." It's great to see people working together -- especially if that effort takes an omnivorous approach to what's considered "Culture" and pulls in groups and artists that are a bit outside the usual. It looks like many of the events have yet to be posted -- it will be interesting to see how the slate shapes up.
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Since your post they seem to have expanded it to Oct 16.
I wonder why they start on Saturday, Oct 8? It would have made sense to include Albany's First Friday events which are on the 7th. I just find it amusing that organizers of the festival are touting the event as a way to "foster collaboration and cooperation between the area's thriving arts communities," yet at the same time they seem to have made no effort to collaboration and cooperation with First Friday. No biggie, just an observation.
... said Tim on Jul 12, 2011 at 11:53 AM | link
Tim, the reason for starting the event on Saturday Oct 8 at sundown is due to the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur (the most holy day of the year for the Jewish community) which runs from Sundown on Friday Oct 7 to sundown that Saturday, the 8th. Also, according to the press conference today, all the cities, Albany, Troy, Schenectady and Saratoga will be joining together that month during MoHu and switching their respective "nights out" to Friday Oct 14th. It is good to know the effort has been made and everyone is collaborating.
... said Sara Tack on Jul 12, 2011 at 12:35 PM | link
Tim, we didn't start mohu on Friday since that is yom kippur, the highest holy day in the Jewish religion. No worries. Albany, Schenectady, Troy and Saratoga are all moving their monthly Friday night arts events to the following Friday, October 14 in a grand gesture of of regional collaboration and cooperation. Thanks for watching our backs.
... said Mark shipley on Jul 12, 2011 at 12:38 PM | link
Tim, we didn't start mohu on Friday since that is yom kippur, the highest holy day in the Jewish religion. No worries. Albany, Schenectady, Troy and Saratoga are all moving their monthly Friday night arts events to the following Friday, October 14 in a grand gesture of of regional collaboration and cooperation. Thanks for watching our backs.
... said Mark shipley on Jul 12, 2011 at 12:40 PM | link
Ah... That makes sense. :-) You might want to put that info on your website.
... said Tim on Jul 12, 2011 at 1:06 PM | link
Hello Tim - there are many exciting facets of MOHU that are still being worked out and will be announced over the coming weeks/months. Keep your eyes peeled on the website: - or over on Facebook: - to keep on top of it all.
Thanks for the #MOHU shout, AOA!
Jason Steven Murphy, EMPAC
... said Jason Steven Murphy on Jul 12, 2011 at 1:30 PM | link
@Tim: I don't know how I feel about that. Oct 8 is Touch Tag Day, Oct 9 is craaaazy busy, with Curious Events Day, Fire Prevention Day, Leif Erikson Day and most importantly Moldy Cheese Day. Seems a bit unfair.
... said -S on Jul 12, 2011 at 3:13 PM | link